@19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

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Doh, forgot to add my own guild. Small but growing on Draenor Alliance :


Updated the spreadsheets, added all the
<Chàud Devánt>
guys and got a long explanation from the wife that Chàud Devánt means "I'm Charging, get out of my fucking way!" and is what restaurant waiters carrying hot plates say when crossing the restaurant floor in France.

Just popped over to Draenor Hordeside and <Against All Odds> had 25 ppl on, they're the most active horde guild on Blackout atm and winning more than their fair share of WSG so if you're thinking of transferring or rolling a hordie give them a shout. Blackout needs more horde!

Also, if you roll on Draenor! You do get to meet me! Which is worth every penny! Am I right?!
Hey there,

I play in a guild on Bladefist, Blackout EU which is called Grumpy Old Swedes. Quite a few of us have recently started twinking and we got about 13x twinks in our alt guild, Grumpy Old Alts. All of the guys haven't geared up fully yet but expect more people in WSG and arenas soon.


Pawnster said:
Hey there,

I play in a guild on Bladefist, Blackout EU which is called Grumpy Old Swedes. Quite a few of us have recently started twinking and we got about 13x twinks in our alt guild, Grumpy Old Alts. All of the guys haven't geared up fully yet but expect more people in WSG and arenas soon.



/wave :)

Will add your guild to the OP and spreadsheets tonight.
Dinkorastamán said:
Likitâ of the Horde made a guild as well.. on Draenor: Warsong RAUS DA.

It's small but there:)

Thanks rasta, I guarded a couple of their members down at the STV fishing comp on sunday :) Imported them a couple of days ago, will add to the OP and spreadsheets when I get home from work.
I've been playing both my main and a couple of alts at Bloodhoof (H) for a while now and there is almost no active twinks here (from what i've seen). So i've decided to start a new guild. Prolly with a couple of friends and i'll try to boost rerollers and welcome people that transfers with open arms.
As some of you might allready have notised, Enabled and I(Call) on AA created a 3v3 turnament. Theres a link in the third thread under 'Blackout EU PVE and world PVP'

We still need sign-ups so if your interested in joining read the rules and sign up.

If anyone is interested in helping some way. Then we still need donations as rewards for the winning teams - as theres no payment to enter as we wanna see how this progrees and how the activity on this, is gonna be. Still it would be fancy if some would donate rewards, so we would play for more than just fun ;)

if your interested in helping /w or pm Me or Enabled ingame on Al'Akir
Ohoy there. Say hello to the new horde guild at bloodhoof "Tomorrow Never Comes". Atmo everyone is welcome aslong as you are or will be a dedicated 19 twink. I will try to help rerollers with boosts and we'll make a AgM list so everyone get a chance. If you are intrested to join or just have tips/questions PM me here or ingame. My chars is Schizophrenia, Ã￾emôn, phrenic.
emetophilia said:
Ohoy there. Say hello to the new horde guild at bloodhoof "Tomorrow Never Comes". Atmo everyone is welcome aslong as you are or will be a dedicated 19 twink. I will try to help rerollers with boosts and we'll make a AgM list so everyone get a chance. If you are intrested to join or just have tips/questions PM me here or ingame. My chars is Schizophrenia, Ã￾emôn, phrenic.

Schizophrena the druid aight?

Good to see you onboard!
emetophilia said:
Ohoy there. Say hello to the new horde guild at bloodhoof "Tomorrow Never Comes". Atmo everyone is welcome aslong as you are or will be a dedicated 19 twink. I will try to help rerollers with boosts and we'll make a AgM list so everyone get a chance. If you are intrested to join or just have tips/questions PM me here or ingame. My chars is Schizophrenia, Ã￾emôn, phrenic.

Good initiative :) will add your guild to the OP and any 19's to the EU spreadsheets tonight.

Bragh said:
There is a new one, called OMG CAPS BROKEN, or FFS CAPS BROKEN. Meh i'll search up Phonebook, brb


Will add to OP and EU lists and spreadsheets tonight. thanks.

Tinymidget said:
good guide for EU stragglers Lol though I'm US so whatever

I can reproduce a US version of the 1st post in this thread at the click of a button with US guilds, twink lists etc. Select 'US' click generate and then paste the BB code straight into a twinkinfo post - only problem is where to put it.

If the mods / admin can INSERT a bigbullox thread early on in the US Ruin sticky I'm happy to keep it up to date, or if someone who posted early on in the US thread wants to do this I can give them a URL they can past US guild info and data from.
emetophilia said:
Ohoy there. Say hello to the new horde guild at bloodhoof "Tomorrow Never Comes". Atmo everyone is welcome aslong as you are or will be a dedicated 19 twink. I will try to help rerollers with boosts and we'll make a AgM list so everyone get a chance. If you are intrested to join or just have tips/questions PM me here or ingame. My chars is Schizophrenia, Ã￾emôn, phrenic.

If you need any help with anything just ask. My twink trespasser is on bloodhoof. And my main is a enchanter (name is Radak) I don't have to many twink enchants but got the most basic ones (no spell power on gloves or +4stats or chest, but I have +15agi on gloves, +15agi on weapon, fiery and stuff like that).

(you should probably have seen me spam trade to buy a shadowfang :p)
Trespasser said:
If you need any help with anything just ask. My twink trespasser is on bloodhoof. And my main is a enchanter (name is Radak) I don't have to many twink enchants but got the most basic ones (no spell power on gloves or +4stats or chest, but I have +15agi on gloves, +15agi on weapon, fiery and stuff like that).

(you should probably have seen me spam trade to buy a shadowfang :p)

Thanks, i've had a couple of talks with you already but from my bank (phrenic) about warrior gear and twink activity.
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