@19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

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Bragh said:
I deserve to be on that list or I'll delete this thread :<

I has Pwndepot.com HALL OF FAME

should count some shouldn't it?

Bigbullox said:
There are some great twinks in the lists, but still a lot of greater ones missing.

Version 2 of this is coming along nicely, ready in a week or so.
Bigbullox said:
Version 2 of this is coming along nicely, ready in a week or so.


Guess thats "ok" then :D
Updated the guild lists and guild stats, added some more guilds.

+<NineOneOne> (thanks : Llare)

+<Heroic Twinks> (thanks : Callhots)

+<ITR> (thanks Dinkorastamán)

+<Stay Fly Frenchies Inc>

LF an update from people playing in blackout about each guild's activity please!

The Blackout EU player lists are coming along very nicely indeed. Web Hosting, database and armory bot and a few other things that I hope you're gonna like are all working well.

Now fetching and storing more than 75 stats per twink including attributes, crit, dps, gear and chants (heh heh heh), glyphs, kills, deaths, accurate achievement points, even things like death by falling for embarrasing lols.

To give you a taste of what's to come I'll upload an excel spreadsheet and .csv file of 1000+ Blackout EU twink stats in a few hours. Check the OP of this thread for more details.

Will import the US twinks in another few days and produce an EU+US spreadsheet if someone posts a list of US twink guild and realm names.
encorebroz said:
all of its broken random members are the 'gms' of the guild

Doh I just noticed that cheers. Day off work today, smoking far too much and can't spell the word 'rank' properly lol, will be fixed shortly.

I'm not including non 19s in database now, too many 10-18's, 55-60 DK's and 80's.

edit:should be ok now, let me know of any other errors. To generate the Gm and Officer lists i select 5 twinks in each guild with a rank of 1 or 2 and sort by rank. It's a bit fudgey e.g. if you're GM is an 80 he/she won't appear. That's not going to change, I only fetch and store details for 19 twinks.
Zimt the Diplomat said:
Deaths from falling from embarrassing lols is serious buisness dude, im pr0 in falling deaths :D

Yeah you and Kúrian are tied for 5th worst with 40 falling deaths each. Out of more than 1000 blackout EU 19 twinks. lols :)

Notice :

Bigbullox Twinkinfo Spreadsheetsâ„¢ do not condone or endorse twinks repeated jumping off thunderbluff just to get to the top of a twinkinfo stats spreadsheet.
What number am I? Couldn't find me. :(

I need to get online just to be best again!
After a couple of months of levelling to 80, pugging heroics (never ever again) I got all my BoA's, bags and bank full of twink items and chants and transferred over to Draenor last night. 5 or 6 friends will be transferring in from cyclone in the next week or so, ally side so we can world PVP with some of the draenor horde.

After transferring in and pimping 10 guild sigs to get <Wasted> up and running I checked WSG queue, saw 1 wsg up, a last wait time of 3 mins. After more then 6 weeks of WSG Withdrawal I just about cried.

Looking forward to fighting with and against you all in wsg. Will log a horde toon tonight and pop over and say Hi and drop a few things in the BB auction house to help out the <Against All Odds> funding twinks initiative.

300g gold transfer limit? bah. Anyone WTB 20x [item]Moonshroud[/item] ? :)
Bigbullox said:
After a couple of months of levelling to 80, pugging heroics (never ever again) I got all my BoA's, bags and bank full of twink items and chants and transferred over to Draenor last night. 5 or 6 friends will be transferring in from cyclone in the next week or so, ally side so we can world PVP with some of the draenor horde.

After transferring in and pimping 10 guild sigs to get <Wasted> up and running I checked WSG queue, saw 1 wsg up, a last wait time of 3 mins. After more then 6 weeks of WSG Withdrawal I just about cried.

Looking forward to fighting with and against you all in wsg. Will log a horde toon tonight and pop over and say Hi and drop a few things in the BB auction house to help out the <Against All Odds> funding twinks initiative.

300g gold transfer limit? bah. Anyone WTB 20x [item]Moonshroud[/item] ? :)

My tip, buy allot of these scrolls: Enchant Weapon Spellpower, Enchant Weapon Agility, Fiery, Lifestealing.

Enchant Gloves Healing power. Agility.

Enchant Bracers Healing power.

And Enchant chest +4 all stats, Those are easy to resell for a fair price. And also helps the funding project!
Sylvictus said:
why am i not on the list ;> ;q ?


Sowwy... ITR chars will be listed tomorrow evening - been busy transferring and chasing guild signatures around Elywnn Forest.
Bragh said:
My tip, buy allot of these scrolls: Enchant Weapon Spellpower, Enchant Weapon Agility, Fiery, Lifestealing.

Enchant Gloves Healing power. Agility.

Enchant Bracers Healing power.

And Enchant chest +4 all stats, Those are easy to resell for a fair price. And also helps the funding project!

Cool, just bringing another char over now, will log an alt and drop you some +4 stat scrolls in half an hour or so, anything I can do to help even out the horde:ally ration a bit ;)
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