@19s, The Blackout Battlegroup Migration & Qs (EU)

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Dinkorastamán said:
It does look neat, but what about addind realms to the names?

Also to show (thread name) form what realm wich twinks play to the twinks interested in migrating here?

You are such an eye-candy!
Rasta and Bragh,

Will be altering the column widths over the next few days to give me some more room next to the NAME column, question is... do i put the players realm OR the guildname there?

I prefer guildname, but then I'm surrounded by blackout EU twink data and know the realms and guildnames pretty well.

I've also built an option to export a text only version of the 'End of WSG' screeny, in the same style as the lists in the OP. These link from the players names to their armory profiles and to the stats website I'm building for all this dataz to live on.

One option I'd like to use would be to build the wsg screenies in 22 strips - a top, then 20 player row images that link to armory, then the bottom of the image and stack em all on top of each other but twinkinfo only lets me post 15 images per post.

Let me know what you prefer.

I need a whole lot more people to run this mod and help me iron out some problems. It hasn't been updated since 2.3 and only is only picking up about 60-70% of wsg's at the moment. It doesn't record 0-0 draws properly. It failed to record 3 consecutive wins in a row the other night which annoyed me a bit, one of the wsg's was an epic :)

Am slowly learning lua and improving my addon skillz but its difficult to test changes when I have to queue for 10 mins, do a bg for 25 mins then I've got 2 minutes to debug before the BG ends.

Hmmm... I think its time to drop Feaire and Jim of epeen addon fame an email and ask them for some addon event handling help.
Bigbullox said:
Rasta and Bragh,

Will be altering the column widths over the next few days to give me some more room next to the NAME column, question is... do i put the players realm OR the guildname there?

I prefer guildname, but then I'm surrounded by blackout EU twink data and know the realms and guildnames pretty well.

I've also built an option to export a text only version of the 'End of WSG' screeny, in the same style as the lists in the OP. These link from the players names to their armory profiles and to the stats website I'm building for all this dataz to live on.

One option I'd like to use would be to build the wsg screenies in 22 strips - a top, then 20 player row images that link to armory, then the bottom of the image and stack em all on top of each other but twinkinfo only lets me post 15 images per post.

Let me know what you prefer.

I need a whole lot more people to run this mod and help me iron out some problems. It hasn't been updated since 2.3 and only is only picking up about 60-70% of wsg's at the moment. It doesn't record 0-0 draws properly. It failed to record 3 consecutive wins in a row the other night which annoyed me a bit, one of the wsg's was an epic :)

Am slowly learning lua and improving my addon skillz but its difficult to test changes when I have to queue for 10 mins, do a bg for 25 mins then I've got 2 minutes to debug before the BG ends.

Hmmm... I think its time to drop Feaire and Jim of epeen addon fame an email and ask them for some addon event handling help.

dunno what your talking about, but respect to this warrior, he is annoying in bgs x.x
Bagdig said:
dunno what your talking about, but respect to this warrior, he is annoying in bgs x.x

Hah! I'll be joining you hordeside soon, transferring another warr over tomorrow.

Couple of bits of EU Blackout news, 3.3 is coming down the blizzard background downloader as I type this, (hopefully with cross faction heirloom mail enabled) and some great news about Free Character Transfers :

Free Character Transfer

EU Alliance Silvermoon to Draenor til November 24th

Silvermoon was an old school capital of EU twinking a few years ago. There's gotta be a load of players with old twinks they could dust off, xp lock and bring over to Draenor, spread the word.
afaik the background downloader can start patching up to a month early before the real patch comes out though so it could still be a while
Bigbullox said:
some great news about Free Character Transfers :

Free Character Transfer

EU Alliance Silvermoon to Draenor til November 24th

Silvermoon was an old school capital of EU twinking a few years ago. There's gotta be a load of players with old twinks they could dust off, xp lock and bring over to Draenor, spread the word.

i'll stick it in my sig ;)
If members from one of the larger horde guilds on Draenor don't stop stalling on easy wins in wsg their guild and all members will be removed from this thread permanently for farming scrubs. When you've got a strong numerical advantage, go for the quick win please.
Bigbullox said:
If members from one of the larger horde guilds on Draenor don't stop stalling on easy wins in wsg their guild and all members will be removed from this thread permanently for farming scrubs. When you've got a strong numerical advantage, go for the quick win please.

Which guild? PM me.
Grats to Jaxel and a couple of other Draenor hordies on getting fishing hats this afternoon :) Another '3 minutes to go shall I quit or keep fishing' hat.
zomg 3 hordes getting hat on one sunday???

I have been there for like 20 sundays and i have never got that god damn hat!!

Also, i cba to read hole thread, but why isn't the guild Wasted on the list of Ally guilds on Blackout? I thought it was ur guild Big??
on Dreanor we are lacking mages shamans (who would have thought),

I myself am looking for a good mage or shaman for my 2vs2 epeen team.
Dinkorastamán said:
Now.. some of the small guilds merged with/joined <<BRB MADE A MESS>>

So now this is the place to be xD

or ITR on Draenor horde most likely :)

I played my first WSG's as Alliance today! Loadsa fun! And much harder than playing on Horde!

1 draw 1 defeat and 2 wins! Yey!

But seriously, those german people does know how to play the/that teamplay! very good indeed
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