10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

do you have a reccomended realm or faction, or a guild that could help me out, im just starting out but verry interested!
los is soooo crucial as any class without serius range closers (warrior, ret pally ) and just in general . work on using the huts and fr walls to help out with dps mitigation.
I know that WSG jumps are bannable now, but could someone point me into the direction of a tutorial that has them? I really want to learn.
I'd like to advise rogues to use a sap macro if you think there is a rogue/druid stealthed nearby.

#showtooltip Sap

/targetenemy [harm][nodead]

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/cast Sap

This has helped me alot in wsg/duels as most of the time first ambush wins RvR (unless they run away/use cd's). I think this is the best macro I have ever used :)
Guruqt said:
I know that WSG jumps are bannable now, but could someone point me into the direction of a tutorial that has them? I really want to learn.

check one of darkchewies videos they have helped me learn a few jumps, there are a few videos on ti video discussion
use a cancelaura macro, ' /cancelaura Power Word: Shield ' for when ur getting feared and have a dot up on u, really there is no1 doing this even tho it can be gamebreaking
imbao said:
I'd like to advise rogues to use a sap macro if you think there is a rogue/druid stealthed nearby.

#showtooltip Sap

/targetenemy [harm][nodead]

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/cast Sap

This has helped me alot in wsg/duels as most of the time first ambush wins RvR (unless they run away/use cd's). I think this is the best macro I have ever used :)

you need to put a range limiter in that as well so you don't potentially target a non stealther that isnt near you

# showtooltip Sap

/ console targetNearestDistance 10.000000

/ target enemy [noharm] [dead]

/ console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/ cast [harm, nodead] Sap
Rogue/feral tip - right out of the gate go for zerker and stealth - sap/kill any stragglers in the enemies approaching offense. If they are bunched together or are well supported keep moving and don't attack and rejoin your group - or follow to chain sap heals/root & run heals.

Don't go on offense by yourself unless you can stealth. Don't attack on offensive by yourself unless you know you have a chance - it's better to wait for more to join O or at least wait for a few FC debuffs.

Check out the class composition on both sides at the beginning of the match.

The best advice I can give is to communicate early and often. Without communication I've found it dramatically more likely for a match to devolve in senseless running around and wannabe heroes fighting in mid.
yougotcriton said:
you need to put a range limiter in that as well so you don't potentially target a non stealther that isnt near you

# showtooltip Sap

/ console targetNearestDistance 10.000000

/ target enemy [noharm] [dead]

/ console targetNearestDistance 41.000000

/ cast [harm, nodead] Sap

yeah that helps alot, i have 2 sap macros one with a nearest distance + 1 without it's always nice to have a advantage on rogues/feral :)
I recently found out something useful, if you're a class that can't heal, but see a friend in trouble, you can bandage them, even if they're DOT'd or being damaged, and it won't interrupt the bandage. Just something that I thought might be good to know.
use a cancelaura macro, ' /cancelaura Power Word: Shield ' for when ur getting feared and have a dot up on u, really there is no1 doing this even tho it can be gamebreaking

this is so true
I recently found out something useful, if you're a class that can't heal, but see a friend in trouble, you can bandage them, even if they're DOT'd or being damaged, and it won't interrupt the bandage. Just something that I thought might be good to know.

I actually recently found this out too and it is very helpful, just be sure when you see someone do it, attack the bandager not the one being bandaged.
I'd like to advise rogues to use a sap macro if you think there is a rogue/druid stealthed nearby.

#showtooltip Sap

/targetenemy [harm][nodead]

/targetenemy [noharm][dead]

/cast Sap

This has helped me alot in wsg/duels as most of the time first ambush wins RvR (unless they run away/use cd's). I think this is the best macro I have ever used

This is the macro I use;

#showtooltip Sap

/cast [nostealth] Stealth




/cast [mod:ctrl] Vanish; [target=focus, mod:shift] Sap; [target=mouseover, mod:alt] Sap; Sap

I've been using this one for quite some time and I think if you tried it out you'd enjoy it

I know that the mod:ctrl is Vanish(I use this for my 29 and 39 Rogue) but you could also change it to something else useful such as Shadowmeld, etc.
so, i've been playing around with my frost spec, and heres a few additional tips.

keep your water elemental on two macros, one that goes like this:

/click PetActionButton3

and one that goes:

/click PetActionButton2

the first one will put your "make pet move to" at your mouse, for convenient use. i can mention countless possibilities for this, some of them being using pet freeze around corners, and make that pet move somewhere safe. its not difficult for a lock to load up dots on your pet and thus kill it, and the prot paladins' shield throw will murder it if its taken the slightest bit of damage. in addition, movign your pet doesn't waste a GCD, so you pretty much

have nothing to lose w\ this..

edit: obv. second macro will put your pet on follow again..
Holy Priests -

You should always be ahead of your FC, whether it be escorting them through mid, or kiting in your base. Learn to anticipate your fc's moves, as holy you're heals can easily crit 900-1000, learn when large amounts of damage are incoming, and start casting preemptively, and keep moving.

Chastise is your best friend as holy, they can be great for peeling off melee dps off the FC, interrupting enemy CC, or getting unwanted melee dps off of you to keep up with your FC. As such, try and use different focus macros for chastise, so you can keep switching targets, while being able to say interupt that poly that's about to be cast on you.

Mana is something you always need to be aware of as holy priest, while our crits are bigger than a disc priests, our mana pool most defiantly is not. Always keep extra lesser mana pots on you, and it helps a lot to have a spare spirit set of gear for regen on the run.
not letting you're hp bar get to 0 can be game breaking.

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