10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

Old secretaries are powerful sources of information in any company. It's institutional knowledge and it's too seldom cataloged. Same idea here, moving from oral tradition to written.

Please include an explanation of the druid powershift macro, what it does and why/how.

Here's a debatable point: it's good for 1-2 guys to fight on roads (or near GY in WSG) if it ties up 4-6 opponents. More of your team available to focus on objective. Obvious answer is that this strategy won't work against smart, objective-oriented opponents.

In PUGs, if my FC is approaching tunnel and it looks like we'll cap, I'll head to opponents' flag spawn point in order to insta-pick. Often, you can get a second cap before the opponents have had time to re-group.

If my team is up and wants to turtle out the last several minutes, I say keep at least one or two guys going for opponents' flag. This serves as a distraction and prevents the entire opposing force from concentrating on O.

I guess these are more strategy points than about playing a class.
Sharper said:
Please include an explanation of the druid powershift macro, what it does and why/how.

The powershift macro will, with a single button press, cancel your current form (if any) and instantly reapply it. If you are not in any form it will put you into Travel Form. If you have any mod key pressed it will shift you into Travel Form regardless of current form.
When on a rogue if you can open without using a sap do it. The sap will just gimp you later because it will lower the duration of your gouge. This can mean less bandage ticks or making it harder to get a restealth.
Great tip Yayo, totally forgot about DRs. Shows how long since I've played a rogue.
Grizzlefoot said:
ooh! Goblin tip, you can jump off roof, turn midair rocketjump and land on 2nd floor, fakes alot of people out

Also when a melee class is on you, you can jump off building above aliance tunnel, jump turn midair and rocket jump on the lower level of it.
Watch other players in Warsongs, especially those who are better than you. Some of the best players combine different playstyles of others to form their own.
Here's a Druid tip for Ferals:

There's a lot of debate about what's better to stack on your wep and gloves: Agility or Haste. Haste DOES produce more damage after a while. You are hitting more often but each hit hits for less, and any healer with a brain can heal through small hits. A healer cannot however heal through a lot of damage in a short amount of time. So if you pick agility, the 40 agility from those two slots will grant a lot more crit. Anyone care to elaborate on this? Agree/disagree?
As feral, the 40 agility between the gloves and 2h weapon is a far better choice because of the armor, attack power, dodge, critical strike rating. The haste is however very interesting and I have tried it before.
Khanodruid said:
Here's a Druid tip for Ferals:

There's a lot of debate about what's better to stack on your wep and gloves: Agility or Haste. Haste DOES produce more damage after a while. You are hitting more often but each hit hits for less, and any healer with a brain can heal through small hits. A healer cannot however heal through a lot of damage in a short amount of time. So if you pick agility, the 40 agility from those two slots will grant a lot more crit. Anyone care to elaborate on this? Agree/disagree?

Burst > Steady dps. Most classes can put up against steady dps but you need the burst to take them down quickly.
Opinion said:
As feral, the 40 agility between the gloves and 2h weapon is a far better choice because of the armor, attack power, dodge, critical strike rating. The haste is however very interesting and I have tried it before.


I have experimented with haste as well, but I'm not a huge fan of faster attacks/energy regen then AP, crit and so on.
Tip for Druids of all specs:

You have healing spells... Use them for crying out loud! Although they are not very powerful, it could make the difference between life and death for one of your teammates or yourself. Also, try to be cognizant of what you can be doing to be most effective, as you have many uses; you can (as balance/feral) keep pumping damage into your opponent or stop for a sec and heal/root people. Example: if you are on offense and are making no headway into returning your flag, throw on a healing set and try to keep your teammates alive until more help arrives.
Thorns, thorns, thorns. I don't know how many times as an FC, DPS, and Healer that I have had a rogue or warrior on me that are tunnel visioned. Thorns hit incredibly hard and often in duels where I kite, I win only using thorns if the opponent isn't smart - Opinion

Fixed Kore.


Just as you arrive at the scene of battle in the FR or in Midfield, toss a Rejuv or two on your teammates to keep them up. You're not in melee range yet so why not help them out.
it takes a good player to attempt to solo the efc. it takes a great player, to motivate the entire team to go as a group. theres no reason to shout at people in a PuG group.. (unless they are directly offensive, like, say, keybinding /laugh, or /spit to all your spells and mashing away..)

seriously, i know some players are worse than you, try to ohh i don't know, HELP them improve, instead of shouting (caps locking?) so much that you crush their reason to play the fricking bracket.. nobody starts OUT being a pro.

no seriously, nobody EVER begins with the default setting of "pro". thats something you learn, and you would do yourself a favour in the long run by being frigging friendly and helpful.

conclusive tips: Direct players that annoys you with questions, to this website.

try encouraging underaged players to practice their english skill (NOTE; if you play on say, a german server, don't fucking bother learning english x)). i know, being danish, that alot of "baddies" i meet in bgs are danish too, and sometimes i'll get /w's from insecure 12 yr olds, wondering why the fuck that pro is telling him hes a fucking asshole and stuff. not cool.

if you find that people are farming midfield, instead of dragging players out by words, drag them out by actions, a good example of this, is talked about in Kores guide i believe? i'm pretty sure somebody talked about running BACK OUT with the flag, at least.. don't do it unless you feel secure, and the debuff is > than 4-5 stacks.. if some lonely soul is picked up by a rogue/feral @ mid, tell him to "run" and pop your freeze / roots / sheep / w/e.. often, midfielding baddies are just unlucky and picked up by somebody halfways..
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chíll said:
be a fuc*ing leader.. or not even that, but man the frick up. don't shout at "baddies" or "n00bs".. it takes a good player to attempt to solo the efc. it takes a great player, to motivate the entire team to go as a group. theres no reason to shout at people in a PuG group.. (unless they are directly offensive, like, say, keybinding /laugh, or /spit to all your spells and mashing away..)

seriously, i know some players are worse than you, try to ohh i don't know, HELP them improve, instead of shouting (caps locking?) so much that you crush their reason to play the fricking bracket.. nobody starts OUT being a pro.

no seriously, nobody EVER begins with the default setting of "pro". thats something you learn, and you would do yourself a favour in the long run by being frigging friendly and helpful.

conclusive tips: Direct players that annoys you with questions, to this website.

try encouraging underaged players to practice their english skill (NOTE; if you play on say, a german server, don't fucking bother learning english x)). i know, being danish, that alot of "baddies" i meet in bgs are danish too, and sometimes i'll get /w's from insecure 12 yr olds, wondering why the fuck that pro is telling him hes a fucking asshole and stuff. not cool.

if you find that people are farming midfield, instead of dragging players out by words, drag them out by actions, a good example of this, is talked about in Kores guide i believe? i'm pretty sure somebody talked about running BACK OUT with the flag, at least.. don't do it unless you feel secure, and the debuff is > than 4-5 stacks.. if some lonely soul is picked up by a rogue/feral @ mid, tell him to "run" and pop your freeze / roots / sheep / w/e.. often, midfielding baddies are just unlucky and picked up by somebody halfways..

wish I could 'thank' you for the first part of this post.

Tip for warriors:

Engineering! You have no stuns, and depending on what spec you are, maybe 1 CC. I once beat an almost BiS feral druid on my crappy warrior by using a bomb. Learn to lead your enemy with your bombs so that you can have that extra head start towards the healing hut or an extra second that they arent doing damage to you.

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