10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

Re: 19 PvP Player Tips

you are all-in-all correct, however.
you will not, unless you hit blink before actually crossing over the edge @ any point, return to your original position.i think that i once, during a period of alcoholism calculated the "landing formula", and found it to be something to the extend of;
X ofc being "where you land", being found by taking the amount of yards you can travel divided by 50% of the full arcing motion of the jump. if you are already falling, you will not return to any ledges. T is the amount at which you turn your character back towards the edge, as i found that before you hit the 50% of the jumps' arc, you would still sometimes be reset at a position which is hanging off of the air in front of the platform, yet your jump would give you a very slight forward-facing motion, letting you "slip back unto the platform."
i realise ofc that this doesn't have any actual relevance.

...... that was some serious math..............
I just think you should learn to time your blink, it aint that hard, ususally you should blink while still going 'up' in you jump. or b4 you reach the same height lvl as where you jumped off :)
Re: 19 PvP Player Tips

Maybe this has been pointed out in a comment before, but I didnt see it in the original post so here it comes:
If your fighting a Tauren caster, and you see him cast War Stomp for for instance a free heal, you can time your kick, and kick just before he War Stomp is finished, cause most healers, will cast their heal right after War Stomp has been cast, and timing your kick correctly, you can actualy kick the heal being cast after War Stomp. It is hard as hell, but if it works it will sure be worth the risk.

Also I know this tip is mostly useful for ally rogues, since hordes only can use it when dueling Taurens, but I figured it couldn't hurt to add it anyway :)
Mist Monk Tips

Mistweaver Monk
- Spamm your one and only heal, heals more than letting it channel.
- If anyone with an interrupt is around you, and you dont need "burst" heals, you can spamm a /cast soothing mist /stopcasting macro, which will heal your target in quick bursts, but make you much harder to interrupt.
- If you DO get locked out, try to range them via rolling to get a bandage tick or two off, or range them untill you are able to cast again
- Spec in to tiger's lust, because it is useable in so many situations
- Tiger's Lust can be used to escape someone if you are locked out.
- Your Tiger's Lust is usually more useful on a teamate pusing O, or an FC escaping, than on yourself.
- This may seem redundant, but it can be useful to roll twice to range melee dps to heal back to full. You can also range ranged dps, which can usually be accomplished with a single roll.
- If forced to FC horde side, you can go alliance ToT, heal till you get 1 chi, Tiger's lust, run then roll off the edge of ToT, than roll once you hit the groud. This gets you a decent way through mid, and is very useful if a mage decides to frost nova their team playing catch at tunnel entrance.
- If pandaren, SAVE YOUR TIGERS PALM. Don't use it randomly to peel dps off of you, Save it for enemy healers, and most pug heals will let you stand right next to them while healing a midfight or offensive push.
- When healing offence, dont be afraid to throw some dps on an efc. Heal your teamates, but if they are not under pressure from defending dps, stay in Stace of the Wise Serpent, and whack away. You should have 4 chi by now from healing, so stun a healer, and throw two blackout kicks at the efc. It may not seem like much, but on an efc with stacks and your teamates popping CDs, it can be extremely effictive at dropping an efc.
- When opting to do dmg as a Mistweaver Monk, stay in Stace of the Wise Serpent. It increases your attack power by 200% of your spellpower, giving you a higher dmg output than the damage stance. Also, you dont have to waste a GCD to switch stances if you want to heal.
- If your teamates are at full health in a midfight, stick your soothing mists on whoever is your most important heal target. It may a be another healer, your top dps, or even your fc. That way, if they get hit, they will already have your heals on them. If someone else takes dmg, switch the mists to them untill they are healed, then toss it back on your main target.

This is an overview of a MistWeaver Monk, and here is a link to mine. I am missing AGM and boas may be on another toon. Neap @ Laughing Skull - Community - World of Warcraft
Re: 19 PvP Player Tips

For whatever reason I can't start a thread, maybe it's my account status but w/e. Anyways, I was wondering if this idea has some potential. A level 15 nelf rogue, stacking haste to increase energy regen/reduce GCD to squeeze in more damage during a subterfuge. Smeld and pop stealth for another big burst (after popping thistle tea) along with stacking crit due to better secondary scaling at lower levels. Hit shouldnt be an issue with a PWC, though expertise might. With more haste+SND poisons will more frequently/tick more frequently and have a better chance of critting. I do lose some AP, but I figure it shouldnt be too crippling. Skinning and herbalism will be more effective at this level as well, herbalism would be popped on my opener to further increase my energy regen and lower GCD
Re: 19 PvP Player Tips

i have a question for all the pro players out their who may be reading this, been wondering about this for awhile now and being prot paladins are unable to gain holy charges without using crusader strike, is it possible to abuse game mechanics with that pinata item? As in crusader striking it for a quick 1-3 early holy chargers in warsong gulch before the gates open.
I suppose it is, since it is possible for rogues to gain combo points for slice n dice/recuperate
Re: 19 PvP Player Tips

bumping because i am bored and i would like to see more players posting useful advice in this thread as the new patches come
WARNING! i am a garbage fc and majority of what i state is my prefference


As fc I usually have 1-2 heals on D so I will be focusing on kiting, sit roof and watch the entrance to roof if you see a red name even if it's just one enemy jump down to ledge at start heading to ToT then drop re-enter tunnel and repeat if you want, or if they keep catching up and you cannot handle it stay on-top of GY and wait until the melee pile you then drop GY and charge a straggler to get back up then go back roof (hopefully you have healers who can do stuns/CC's) and repeat the rotation when they start to come back up...

My set up is usually always Barbarous @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft with exception of the dagger I auto attack with it to gain full rage for when I need to pop a shield wall or I switch to my sword when we can DPS down an enemy with shield bash and spam heroic strikes along with the healers doing what ever they can to inflict damage, generally in pugs I've found the minor-speed>7stam to boots for kiting unless your rolling with a viable DPS as D who can help clear any INC's I would recommend that you se them...

Doing this kite rotation is easy with minor-speed boots so you don't have the enemy's constantly catching up with their minor-speed...

A problem to this technique is monks and there pesky daze, so if you see one coming sit GY and get rezzers to help clear their offence...

Note: if you have a team that consists of mid all-stars remove insigs off those you kill, some good players will take body rez's to bypass the mid all-stars...

Link broken or just me?
Re: 19 PvP Player Tips

Alot was common sense but very helpful none the less- i wish he didn't get banned tbh unless it was a serious offence then that i understand but he seems like he could make good warrior guides

Haha, Barbarous posting on another account and praising himself.

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