10-19 19 PvP Player Tips [Not updated for WoD]

Punkinyou said:
As a sub rogue needing to flee form a fight in order to reposition to renter the fight it is still very helpful to use stealth even if you have dots applied to you. You will be removed from stealth as soon as the first tick occurs but you will gain the second of speed burst and drop target from any pursuers. The extra speed will help in ranging your opponents attacks and allowing you to regain the advantage in the fight.

Well, well, well, look who finally made his way to TI :p
On topic, ShS can be used to finish off another rogue through evasion. You can also ShS a player and use the momentary confusion and 3 sec sprint to run gain distance to LoS.
Helpful rogue macros...

Weapon Swap ( I bind this to mouse-wheel up for easy waylay application.)

#show 16

/equipslot [noequipped:Daggers] 16 Impish Blade; 16 Shadowfang

Backstab/Sinister Strike (Depends on which weapon is equipped.)

#show [equipped:Dagger] Backstab; Sinister Strike

/cast !stealth


/cast [equipped:Dagger] Backstab; Sinister Strike

Shadowstep, Kick Focus Target (If you aren't using this, you should be.)

/castsequence [target=focus] Shadowstep, Kick

Sap Spam

#showtooltip Sap



/cast sap
This question gets asked a lot even though most veterans know the answer. Rogues and warriors should always use thrown weapons (FCing being the only exception). All thrown weps have a cast time of 0.5 secs, all bows/guns/xbows have a cast time of 1.5 secs. The weapon speed is the CD, but the cast time remains constant. Thrown is used to interrupt bandages and to keep rogues or warriors in combat to prevent a restealth or a charge. They can also be used to push back key heals or CCs. Rogues can also apply poisons to thrown and gain a chance of instantly (no travel time) dealing damage to stop bandaids, keep a target in combat, or push back a spell that much faster.

The utility of thrown far outweighs the miniscule stat loss.

Edit: Shredsmog did a great job of gleaning information from the many discussions on this subject. For a link to his post click here
Hunters: well ofc im not gunna revial anything for a hunter to be able to kill anything other than a hunter because id be hated and yh hated i suppose, well start off by hunters vs mm hunters now ive never gotten bm before so im just gunna do stuff if ur a surv hunter, whatever u do dont let mm hunters get there aimed shot, even tho it was nerfed it still hits like a truck so good ways of stopping this is scatter shot pet stun etc, other than aimed shot mm hunters are quiet useless as long as u stop there first aimed shot then its pretty much a sure win as they will panic and not think about the other. if you see they do start to try and go for another try and los it or melee there ass.

Oh and another thing for a hunter... "Do not gy farm"

Remember to open on priests either when power word shield just goes down OR when it has JUST been re cast. the reason being as they will havE weakened soul for the maximum amount of time if u have bursted through the shield.
Sàxxon said:

Remember to open on priests either when power word shield just goes down OR when it has JUST been re cast. the reason being as they will havE weakened soul for the maximum amount of time if u have bursted through the shield.

gee thanks alot. I like when they open when i have 3 seconds left on my bubbles lol.
augiddin said:
gee thanks alot. I like when they open when i have 3 seconds left on my bubbles lol.

i see rogues doing this a lot it really annoys me they blow ambush only for it to get absorbed then the priests re casts power word:shield and absorbs the evis.
Since shamans dont have the best damage, if you have a grouped O and theres 2priests on D, SPAM PURGE! Dont focus on DPS but let the other and better DPS burst him down. Also have mouseover macros for purge and windshear. To lazy to type out right now.
Mnkey said:
Since shamans dont have the best damage, if you have a grouped O and theres 2priests on D, SPAM PURGE! Dont focus on DPS but let the other and better DPS burst him down. Also have mouseover macros for purge and windshear. To lazy to type out right now.

macro for purge:

#Showtooltip Purge

/cast [@mouseover] (harm,nodead) purge

macros for wind shear:

#showtooltip Wind Shear

/cast [@mouseover] (harm,nodead) Wind Shear
learn to weave in and out of priests psychic screams range, usually you should be able to see the scream coming i.e. weakened soul is up chastise down priest is on roughly 60%~ health etc.

Also priests love to scream when everyones bunched for example when priests are running with FC back to base. so get a cooldown timer mod and learn to not get screamed!

also as a rogue its pretty easy to open with Shadow step and the speed off and watch a priest helpless scream nothing.
learn to fake-jump. fake jumping is awesome. if you're a hunter, you can use disengage, just jump out of the platform, and pop disengage. if you're a goblin, you can use that goblin jump to the same effect. if you're a mage, you can actually use blink, even though it gets significantly more tricky here. i did some testing on this, because im a noob, and discovered, that if you say, that your char moves in a 180 degrees upward arc in a jump, you cannot blink back on the platform AFTER you started the "descent". blinking later than this, will just put you in the same spot in the air.
Same goes for rogues. Just jump down and wait until your last persuer is about to jump, then shadowstep behind him and step back from the edge to avoid unwanted shadowsteps.
[quote name='chíll']

/cast [@mouseover] (harm,nodead) purge

Does the "@" symbol work in macros now? I know some of the macro stuff has been updated, but haven't followed it.
If it's melee vs hunter and you are not slowed watch out for disengage and jump at the same time in the direction he uses disengage, even if you are hit by a conc. shot you'll land near him and will still be in melee range.
Sharper said:
[quote name='chíll']

/cast [@mouseover] (harm,nodead) purge

Does the "@" symbol work in macros now? I know some of the macro stuff has been updated, but haven't followed it.

mine works?
-Always keep a bubble constantly renewed on the fc as a priest, always...and a renew too if you are good on mana

-Psychic scream the healers off the efc, and the dps off your fc

-Have your back hanging over the ledge while on d (as far as you can go without falling). This will prevent rogues from ambushing you, as well as taking away the possibility of them using shadowstep on you (well, they can, but they'll probably just fall over the ledge)

-Arcane mages....you guys still have frostbolt....use it

-The best games are the ones where your team is at a slight-moderate disadvantage and you need to pull off some crazy shit, so just forget that afking is possible (unless you need to leave for other reasons), and really try.

-Priests need to play more aggressively, you can do 1k+ dmg in 10 seconds....easily.

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