The macro you provided for Druids doesn't seem to properly function. Puts me into travel form when in Cat and vice versa :/Kore nametooshort; said:/cast [nomod,form:4] !Travel Form; [nomod,form:3] !Cat Form; [nomod,form:1] !bear form; travel form]
/cast [nomod,form:4] !Travel Form; [nomod,form:3] !Cat Form; [nomod,form:1] !bear form; travel form
The macro you provided for Druids doesn't seem to properly function. Puts me to travel form when in Cat and vice versa :/
Thank you kind sir.#showtooltip Cat Form
/cast [stance:1] !Bear Form
/cast [stance:2] !Cat Form
/cast [stance:3] !Travel Form
/cast [stance.4] !moonkin form
wise words
- Use your cooldowns if you can. No point in having them if you dont use them. - Mnkey