

  2. Gmac

    "This Game is Too Easy!"

    First off, Yes, I have played in multiple 10v10 twink wargames and premades and I fully understand that you CAN have fiercely competitive games as a twink and it is a lot of fun to do for bragging rights. Probably going to get flamed for this opinion from all the rank 1 twinks out there...
  3. Gucciyo

    EU Battleground culture

    Is there a reason everyone just spams bgs and avoids wargames? Is it the lack of an official rating system? Do people actually enjoy shitting on levelers all the time? In this Ted Talk I'm gonna Jk But really BGs are so boring so please try and be more active and willing to wargame :) We...
  4. ScumoftwinksREALOADED

    US <Bloodthirsty Twinks> TWINK FOR FREE MG ALLY

    <Bloodthirsty twinks> A Random BG and Wargame Team in works. A open bank to help assist you, plus runs for you're gear. Learn to be (BiS) Best in Slot, /w for BiS classes to pick. Bring your best to fight the best, BLEEDING HOLLOW (no surprise) ! Will be going for Gladiator on xpoff.com (here)...
  5. AxiomDK

    US 29 WSG Wargame Vod

    https://www.twitch.tv/videos/336352745?t=02h01m22s Should skip to 2 Hours, 1 Minute, and 22 seconds 2 games of WSG, our team on Alliance Side then Horde Just an 8v8 WSG :) Give the stream a follow to know when I go live. We will gather people for these sorts of event's whenever its possible...
  6. AxiomDK

    US 20-29 | 3v3 Wargames - Every Tuesday Night!

    Start Date: 11/13/2018 Please read the ENTIRE POST! :D If any arena teams do not have their own discord server to use, refer to the XPOFF Discord. [NEW] [IMPORTANT] - Every Tuesday this event will start at 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time [Notice] - Next Scheduled Event: 11/20/18 Introduction...
  7. AxiomDK

    US Looking for Teams to 3v3 Wargame Tonight

    Hi, me and some buddys are looking to Wargame other people tonight. Specifically 3v3s. If you are interested and are level 29, please add my BattleTag at Axiom#1526 and as long as we are not in games with anyone we will add you back! Please say your Battletag name (dont have to include # or the...
  8. US KANYE EGO >:)

    <KANYE EGO> Server: Dalaran – US. Faction: Horde Currently recruiting scumbag, emote spamming 19’s for activity as well as filling the ranks in our Premade teams. KANYE EGO now has open recruitment – A rapidly growing dedicated 19 Twink community located on Dalaran - US – (Over 30 new members...
  9. Embu

    EU [2018] Burning League - Teams list & tournament tree

    Here is a recap about each team competing for the tourney. Don't forget to watch the stream here! >>> https://www.twitch.tv/ligue_ardente <<<
  10. Sprite

    US 49s Armory List

    Join XPOFF Discord Here XPOFF Community US Horde: Link Locked US Horde 2: Link US Alliance: Link Warrior Arms Fury Skillthraze Qrsx Balr Rämpagè Balr Dimefox Hwl Sevstorm Nerezzia Protection Poppadabear Warlock Demonology Affliction Popabear Destruction Shaman Enhancement Stx Elemental...
  11. Bestworld

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Saturday, 28th of April

    EU Horde wargames on the 28th of April. Time -> 20:00/8PM GMT+1/Paris Time/English Servers Realm Time. Include if you are able to play Saturday 28th as well. Please make use of the following format when signing up: Prefered Character: Name: Class: Main-spec: Off-spec: Realm: Alt...
  12. Bestworld

    EU Horde Plebmade/Wargames | Friday, 27th of April - CANCELLED

    CANCELLED - Not enough people.
  13. DexaQT

    EU EU Wargames - Feedback thread!

    I would definitely advise you to get a better setup next time. I've just left the games due to no comms, a toxic team and an overall shit experience.
  14. EU+US Wargames spectator

    Hi everyone. Who can told to me - how I can join to wargames as spectator? I know this link - http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Spectator_Invite_System But may be someone did it and can to explain me the method with examples or useful addons for that.
  15. Warlord Daboo

    US September Events! 10-19

    Hey guys! I have coordinated the websites events with the events Warlords of Warsong will be running every day for the rest of the month. The plan with these daily events is to first give everyone a chance to participate, you if you can't on one day you can the next. Second this builds activity...
  16. Banishedjr

    EU+US Wargames

    Looking for 10v10 war-games with my guild, <ftp bullies>. Message/mail me in-game for fastest response. Limited restrictions desired, but not totally necessary. Best times will be 5-12pm EST.
  17. Jabz

    EU+US POI Wargames 10v10 20-29's

    Hi guys since 20-29's have been lit , I'm thinking of organising 20-29 war games (WSG/BOG). Just want to see who's interested, F2P are also welcome to join. If I see a good number of people interested I will start forming them during peak periods. Saving people waiting in group to form I will...
  18. Burg

    20-29 Level 29 Wargames 1 - July 3rd - 6 PM Est.

    Heyya guys! Looking to set up some 29 wargames to see what kind of interest we can get! So let's get to it and see what we can get going! If the interest is there and this runs smoothly I will host more of these. Date and Time July 3rd, 2016 at 6 PM Est. Rules One BM Monk limit. One Arms...
  19. Zuro

    EU SPC hosting casual wargames sunday 7pm

    20-29 on eu is boring lately, msg me if you want to join. need healers and FCs. Lewis#2352 wargames are 8pm not 7pm.
  20. Cheesetoast

    US TC Team Networking Thread

    If you are a player looking to find/ join a Twink Cup team, post your Btag (Armoury / skype / Raidcall) here If you have a Twink Cup Team looking for new players, post how many players and what specs you are looking for here alongside your Btag (Armoury / skype / Raidcall) Teams LF Players...