
  1. Diibzee

    Warrior Helm help?

    I'm pretty much wondering what will have more value on my 49 arms/furry warrior between three helms. Steel Plate Helm - 23 armor + 22 str + 22 vers Compared to Helm of the executioner - 29 armor + 15 str + 22 stam + 8 crit + 11 haste...
  2. Great 101 BOE Epics: Use or Sell?

    Hello all. I've been following this community for about a year and been playing WoW for many years. To get right to it, recent changes to WoW have me seriously considering leaving WoW and never returning. So I'm debating two options: (1) Make a new alt and PvP from 1 to 120 as a last hurrah...
  3. US Honor Level 15 - Prestigious Bronze Courser

    Not a big deal, but I just hit Honor Level 15 and got https://www.wowhead.com/item=140228/prestigious-bronze-courser added to my collection. No mail, no fuss. Pure Vet, never bought/played Legion or BFA. Just wanted to note this for future reference if any F2Ps/Vets ever wanted to know if you...
  4. EU Addons for pvp 20s

    Ive kinda messed up my addons and I cant get it right again. I want a fresh start with addons now that I only focus on f2p 20's. Can I have a list of addons you veteran uses?
  5. Rocket

    US Horde 80 PVE + PVP

    Hello all With the recent changes to the twink community I am looking for any people interested in doing level 80 content. If i get enough feedback here I will create a guild or join a guild if there is already one formed. I am Horde on the Illidan server. Please respond here or add me on...
  6. Embu

    EU+US Epic BGs: video announcement

    Ready for 40 vs 40? It is time to do the biggest BGs ever done! Remember, we did it several times in the past. Now, it is time to do it once again! When? Sunday 04 PM, both for EU and US! Please remember: Only xp on queue => F2P, 20vet, lvlers l if you have gametime, play with xpon...
  7. mczizegg

    EU+US Level 110 or Shaman too strong? Owning 120s

    Hi guys, I am back on my Level 110 Shaman and looking for a community. Maybe 110 is still a thing after the patch. I recorded some footage while I was duelling some 120s infront of Orgrimmar. Is elemental/Enhancer overpowered or did they change something?
  8. Banishedjr

    Winter has come

    hello friends and associates We have been thrust back into the age of separated battlegrounds. However, this is not a reason to despair. Before, we did not have communities, and sites such as Twinkinfo were not mainstream. Thankfully, now we have both of these wonderful utilities to bring...
  9. Embu

    EU Zul'Gurub event (beta)

    Hey guys! For the next lvl20 event we would like to gather several people in Zul'Gurub to do a PvP battle between the Alliance and the Horde :) When? On Thursday 7th March at 09 PM UTC+1 Keep in mind this is a beta, so no limited places, everyone is welcome! You will find here others...
  10. Smuchz

    US <No Off Heals> Bleeding Hallow - US

    Hi everyone, I am here to tell you about this awesome new guild that was created! We are recruiting any twinks to join in! We do BG's constantly and everyone is extremely active. There are a few requirements for joining this twinking guild though. 1. 19 twinks only 2. Fully BIS or close to BIS...
  11. mczizegg

    EU Which Server for my 19s Hpaladin

    Hey I want to transfer my Level 19 Holy Paladin https://worldofwarcraft.com/de-de/character/kult-der-verdammten/zalagon Im willing to factionchange aswell. Can someone recommend me a server (maybe with a active guild?)
  12. MaliwanCEO

    59 MW or WW Monks?!?! Where ya at!

    So i will have a monk at 59 here very shortly and i am having trouble trying to figure out if i want to go WW or MW... I dont see many monks in here at all. Which spec does better in this bracket? I main a monk at 120 so this isnt anything new to me, i know how to play all monk specs. Just...
  13. freestylez

    US Haven't seen too many 60-69 twinks, but I know you're out there.

    US Alliance 69 mage here and I'm trying the whole twinking thing out. Kind of difficult being that the Horde is usually just better when it comes to PvP. Anyhow, just lookin' for some people who like running BGs. Communities don't have too many people on at this level that I've seen. Btag...
  14. EU+US EU or US?

    Hey so looking to 70 twink again but curious to which server is more active in terms of people to do stuff with (raids, hcs, chat, pvp, duels, mog farm etc) Im from the UK so EU would make sense but due to work i can be anytime of day/night, so server has no problem for me, especially as ive...
  15. QuTy

    EU 30-39 EU Twinking Community

    Hello Guys, Today I have made a New Community Group Called "ThirtyNineWarlords" Anyone is Allowed to Join who own's a Twink! This Group is Mainly for: Arenas, Battleground's, Dungeon Run's to gear and obv. Alot of fun. Im Always up for New Friends and getting to know new People accross the...
  16. AxiomDK

    US 20-29 | 3v3 Wargames - Every Tuesday Night!

    Start Date: 11/13/2018 Please read the ENTIRE POST! :D If any arena teams do not have their own discord server to use, refer to the XPOFF Discord. [NEW] [IMPORTANT] - Every Tuesday this event will start at 8:30pm Eastern Standard Time [Notice] - Next Scheduled Event: 11/20/18 Introduction...
  17. NEW WSG/AB Remaster!

    New changes to WSG and AB! What do you guys think?
  18. Firemaniac

    EU+US 80 dk twink gear help

    Rate my twink guys, what gear should i change and maybe change gems. Appreciate the help https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/character/shattered-halls/Getrekt Also did a few bgs today with a friend, and lets just say you still can 3v10 in brackets!
  19. EU New twink in EU - LF guild and community

    Hello everyone ! With the boring BFA expansion I began to look for ways to have fun... annnd i found twinkin' ! I'm looking for a EU active guild or community I can share and play with :) Thanks ! Nawwa#2579 IG
  20. Legacy of Kings

    EU 60-69 twink guild Legacy of Kings-Argent Dawn EU is recruiting
