
  1. EU+US Priest disc (healer???) PvP, addon, macro and more

    Hi everyone, I am playing priest disc as a heal en BG, but is it really the best spec for healing in PvP. Moreover, i saw some priest heiling for more than 150k in Warsong Gulch when i only heal for 50k... How can i improve my gameplay ? Do you have some useful macro, tips and addon for priest ...
  2. US New Vanilla Guild <Lets Go Back> Earthen Ring - Alliance

    Hello! I am looking to start a vanilla raiding guild called <Lets Go Back>! It will be very laid back to where you can level up however you want whether that is like the old times just quests and no BOAs or you can level up with BOAs and just spam dungeons it just matters if you want more of a...
  3. Shragenator

    US It's time to dddduuueeellll

    As legion wraps up, it seems we all have been running out of challenging content for our 101s ( normal dungeon speedruns get old imo) Personally I think duels have the potential to be a fun way to bring some competitive spirit into our 101s again. Of course balance is going to be atrocious (I...
  4. Warlord Daboo

    US Wãrlords of Warsong Recruiting! Bleeding Hollow

    Warlords of Warsong is the largest and most active 19 Twink guild ever! We clear inactives daily to make room for new twinks so come join us and have fun with 24/7 Bg groups, Events such as WPvP tournaments, Arenas, Wargames, and much more. Warlords of Warsong has dominated for over a year now...
  5. Smn

    PvP talents

    There is hope! See this blue "We're also planning on unlocking access to PvP talents at a much lower level than in Legion." My guess for how this will work is that you will be able to get the honor talents from level X. But the amount of honor you gain at the lowest level you can earn honor...
  6. mczizegg

    EU+US Level 99 Fury Warrior PvP Vid

    Hey, I just uploaded my first Level 99 Fury PvP Video and wanted to share it with you guys :) No skill showing etc just a sweet montage of Fury Burst :) Feel free to thumbs up if you liked it and appriciate feedback aswell :D
  7. EU+US Haste pots In pvp

    Ive noticed that I can enter bgs on my 80 & 85 shammies without my haste potions wearing off. My mop pot gives me at least 5% extra haste on my 85. I've tried with a few others, crit and int but they are removed once I enter. Just don't die or they will be removed lol My 80...
  8. EU+US 69 pvp/pve

    Are there many other active 69s out there? I've capped my dk and my pvp/pve dam is insane. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/jubeithos/ashsdgnhjkla I go for stacking haste in pve with bc gear and full wrath 155/heirlooms for pvp. maybe it's cause I'm dk? Idk just wondering if there...
  9. mczizegg

    EU+US Arcane/Fire/Frost?

    Hey, im now leveling a Mage (almost level 97). Can someone tell me his experiences which Spec I should go for 99 PvP? Im not sure which spec I should pick. How does Fire - Frost - Arcane perform in this bracket? Didn't saw any Twink mage yet in Bgs/Arenas. Cheers
  10. Recluse

    EU+US Rektluse 29 Windwalker PvP Video !!!

    Hope you enjoy!
  11. Elkiva

    EU I'm looking for Battleground friends...

    So... The reason I've made this post is because I'm almost constantly running Battlegrounds on my own "Sucks to be me..." So the point of this post is simple, does anyone want to do Battlegrounds with me? I'm well geared and know what I'm doing! I'm trying to farm my BIS gear from crates...
  12. icehawk

    EU+US Best 20 PvE & PvP tanking class?

    I'm just asking some opinions from the 20 - 29 community. What do you think is the overall best tanking class for 20's? I'm looking for an all-rounder PvE and PvP tank class. I've only ever twinked a 20 Prot Warrior. Prot Warrior's are fairly decent in PvP with a stun, charge and slow and ok...
  13. EU+US Relics from PvP?

    I've noticed lately on my mains (110's) that I get a fair few artifacts (i think i780?) and am just wondering if anyone does BGs on their 101 twinks and gained decent relics? Do they also show up at 780? or are they 660-680/non-existent prior to 110.
  14. Heavy of Metal

    US [Video] Twinkzerker: lvl 20-29 Bracket Warrior PvP

    Hello friends, After viewing a particularly disgusting lvl 19 Arms Warrior video on these forums, I thought I'd post a video of mine. Seeing as it couldn't do worse than the hot steaming pile of garbage I just watched. I hope you enjoy the video as much as I did making it.
  15. Kamlesh

    EU <Goblin Gliders> Argent Dawn is recruiting!

    Hi there, Goblin Gliders is a new under level 19 twinking guild and more importantly a great community. We hope to bring twinking back to Argent Dawn in order to help new players and even more experienced veteran twinks together. We have already got some of the realms strongest level 19 twinks...
  16. alanlefio

    US What is the best server for twinks?

    That is my question, I would like to know which is the best server, since I have my twink 99 in ragnaros and I would like to change it to a server where I can get a good equip and do something more than bgs at the same time. Sorry for my English, I speak Spanish and the translator of Google...
  17. Catz

    EU+US Chinese region 10-19 experience

    Ni hao, mates! I`ve been working in China since October 2016. Latency to EU WoW is up to 1000ms. So I registered local Chinese Battle.net and started to play WoW with chinese people. There was a surprise to find low lvl BG twinks. Finally I decided to play only 10-19. I have survival hunter, DC...
  18. Lf 49,60,70,80 & 85 twinks for Pve/Pvp

    Active player looking for people who still have some enthusiasm in these brackets. I'm down for any world pvp, bgs, raids, dungeon rep and tmog farming. My guild is: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/guild/jubeithos/Prune_Brothers/ Every character in there is mine I also have an 80 orc sham (Poppopbam...
  19. EU+US 2017 GG Thread

    First pug of the new year GG horde, you win again.
  20. US Solo Qing is boring LF alli tinks

    voc#1991 im a boss ass disc looking for allies to Q bgs/arenas with whenever im online, I know I don't love this bracket as much as 20-29 but its hard to resist the shorter q times sometimes :D I bring dependable heals as well as damage (I prioritize whatever is needed based on the situation)...