So I was originally going to make one long video but decided to split it up into two. First is a bit slower and focused more on 1v1,1v2, and 1v3 with some one shots ofc. The second video is fast paced and all about the one shots. Hope you enjoy!
There is a new server made by a good high rated 70 rogue named Linguster. Made just for 70 twinks who miss Mists of Pandaria PvP and play style. Or even those who never tried MoP or twinking in MoP and want to try it. OR ANYONE WHO LOVES PVP.
Once downloaded you:
1. Make a character
2. Begin...
Hey everyone, just coming back to F2P and I have noticed I'm not getting any marks of honor in my crate of battlefield goods. I've won about 4 bg's and still not 1.
Have things changed?
<Graveyard Taxi> is a newly formed guild recruiting solely for level 29 Twinks.
As part of the ongoing resurrection of the bracket, I felt it would be incredibly useful to newbies, returners, and existing players to have a bracket-focused Guild on Pyrewood Village.
Recently gone in search of a Twink Level 50 character, I am looking for companions to do dungeons / raid / PVP!
I am finishing the war campaign and soon have the legendary cloak!
If you are ever looking for players, I could eventually create a Guild to bring us all together! Otherwise...
Title of my Warrior's "LSD-ARGENTDAWN" PVP movie(s) - VIDEO
what the hell is this?
I posted a few day's ago about some video's I had made and asked for advice and opinions. I went away and had a think and I believe I've produced something that some will appreciate, I have tried to make the...
I have never play pvp with rogue as a twink, only had experience with rogue at late cataclysm period. I made a level20 rogue, but really dont know where to move with specs, stats, etc.
Mostly playing random bgs solo or in small 2-3 ppl group.
My profs are engi/alchemy. I have access to any...
Spur of the moment upload of a very close wargame we had the other night.
This was probably the most fun I've had in a wargame in a long time. It was a nice change up from the usual WSG where you just clash 9v9 in mid while the FC does their thing.
I play a Disc because I don't know how to...
Hello people, i bring you the list of tierlist that we prepare with my guild, we take into account the data collected in pvp(mainly in bg) , i will not speak much in the post, if they have any suggestions or improvements for the list of tierlist leave in the comments, thanks!
BGlvl20 Tier-list...
So the current statement is a FUKING BIG PART OF SHIT!
We have pushed around 20+ matches from tomorrow+today.
Summary is 2 wins at start and we stand around 17+ suck in a row.
Its dont fuking a thing if premade, russains or any crap goup we face against.
There are still many brainless solo...
hi guys I'm new in this XPOFF thing I was thinking to make videos and here I am my acc is pretty old so yeah and I have a lot of free time rn so I be doing a lot of videos so if you wanna check it out my newest video and I link my Chanel
My Chanel...
<Oh Deer>
Is a guild formed from the ashes and experience of the past.
Building a new home for the players, where everyone can be.
If you are new, a veteran, or a long-lost wandering player seeking for old time’s sake.
We welcome everyone that wants to be part of this adventure.
We strive to...
Hi all,
Just wanted to make people aware of <Not Quite Fifty> Alliance guild. It was created to raise the popularity of 49! As the popularity of 49 grows, as does our roster, we currently have 16 active members, some already at 49 fully geared and some on their way there. The vision is to have...
Not necessarily for running flags, just to not die in 2 globals if your team is less than stellar. I was figuring maybe prot pally as even though they take extra damage they do have extra mitigation...
WW monk lacks some tools I would need or I'd go for that.
Maybe feral druid? With bear form...
What do you think about retri palas in this bracket?
I am thinking about making a tauren or zand.troll. I like both racials.
I may go with tauren with some speed stats.
How haste is important for this class? I know its good for cds and faster heals, but dont know caps.
I really would to try...
Everyone must have noticed that there are almost no Demon Hunters in BGs or arena. That's a shame. Such a fun class with a ton of mobility and the damage is not too bad, actually it's OP af but I think the problem is that people are too lazy and don't have patience to gear up properly.
Here are communities for horde and alliance lvl 50 pvp for US/NA region.
Alliance: Search "50 PVP" auto invite is enabled (led by @Fungalfury and Jkuhns.)
Horde: Search "BFA 50s PvP" auto invite is enabled (led by...
Hey all! Have you ever felt hard times organizing war-games against peers from other realms, maybe even realms with other languages? Would you like to exchange peacefully with people from different places about lvl 19 classic twinks? All this in real time (Discord)? We got you covered, join...