free to play

  1. Embu

    20 years of World of Warcraft - Photo of the year!

    To celebrate the 20th anniversary of WoW, we're organising THE photo of the year! :D 1 - First picture in front of Orgrimmar, second in front of Stormwind 2 - A group photo in the shape of ‘20’ in the Gurubashi arena 3 - End of the event with PvP battles in the arena While Embu...
  2. Life

    20 Twinks <<WARGAMES>> hosted OVER 600 games now! <Golden Twinkies> NEW EVENT <<BEGINNER'S NIGHT>> 03/22 | WARGAME RULE UPDATES FOR PATCH 11.1

    GOLDEN TWINKIES LVL 20 WARGAMES "Bringing Back the Golden Era of Twinking" (Sick of pugging?? Tired of the 1 shot meta? Come really have skill in PvP!) In Golden Twinkies we strive for wargames where skill and team-play make the difference between victory and defeat! To achieve that, we...
  3. Embu

    2021 family photo

    We're back for a new family photo! Do you want to immortalise the memory of your character? :slight_smile: Do you want to go to Stranglethorn to kill goblins? :PagChomp: And most importantly, do you want to go for some world PvP at the Gurubashi arena after the family photo? :LFHCat: Three...
  4. Samhain

    Old MoP Vet looking for guidance

    So I played free to plays as well as veterans back in MoP and WoD, I've since then played other games and classic wow. I want to come back to the faster paced retail game and play casually but I have no idea where to start, a lot has changed since the time I last played, is the 20 bracket active...
  5. Embu

    EU | Lvl20 family photo

    We organize a new event for the lvl20 community! : D • INFORMATION • - We will take a family photo with the whole lvl20 community - The photo will take place in Nagrand (Ring of Trials, not inside but before the gates) • DATES • - Sunday 6 December - 08 PM CEST • HOW TO JOIN • - Check the...
  6. Omnistone

    EU+US Help me with Retribution Paladin Build (for skirmishes)

    Right now I’m gearing a retri paladin specifically for arena. Should I go with crit/versa build or haste/versa build? What are some pros and cons for each? I’m planning to mostly que for 2v2 arenas.
  7. Omnistone

    General Arena Rating Guide + Macro to Check Your Rating (low-lvl)

    In this guide I’ll be talking about everything you should know about Arena Rating system on low-level characters. It will be very useful for hardcore arena players, and the core intention is to attract more players to que for Skirmishes. New PvP season is coming soon, and some of you might be...
  8. Austin

    Discord for all f2p twinks

    I want to bring the community together so I created a discord. Its for anything really but Id like to get bg groups going. Please join if interested:
  9. Kakakaka

    US F2P Wargames

    Oh boy... This may upset some or even make a few folks happy. I'm looking to setup f2p wargames in the future. (Wargame = Twink vs Twink, generally 10v10 wsg setup through a command) Frankly, this is something I've been looking at for a while- and was my original intent when I first made my...
  10. EU Looking for 20s community on EU

    I've just gotten back to twinking in the 20 bracket with the free to play q, so i'm really looking for a community or guild to play with - haven't really been able to find anyone on the EU side as of yet. Thanks in advance.
  11. handsomedgc

    EU+US The basic tango - A F2P Discipline Priest guide

  12. Soryo

    EU+US Blizzard News Theory. Opinions?

    So, I just read a news article from Blizzard mentioning their intent on making more content Free to Play. I've overheard some rumors from friends suggesting the possibility of raising the Free to Play level cap to 60 in order to try and bring more players in (or back) to the Game. Do you guys...
  13. ProfThiccamore

    US <Insane Brrst> Bleeding Hollow Ally

    *I KINDA FORGOT THIS EXISTED AND HAVE SINCE QUIT WOW JUST ABOUT. I CAN'T FIND HOW TO DELETE, SO THIS IS ALL I GOT. GL TO ALL, SORRY TO ANYONE WHO STUMBLES UPON THIS THREAD* Overview: Insane Brrst is a brand new 10-29 twink guild. The goal (when we have enough twinks) is to set up 3s, 2s, and...
  14. Complete List of Level <20 Dungeon Drops

    One thing I like to do before I get right into BGs on a new char, veteran or f2p, load myself up with dungeon gear as it can be considered a "pre-bg" bis. However, this can be annoying as fuck bouncing from one dungeon to another just to figure out what leather belt will give me one extra vers...
  15. lunare

    EU+US How are balance druids?

    I'm curious, as I am a f2p player who already has a druid leveled to 20, and has three unopened legion chests from a year ago. After the legion event I took a break, and it ended up being quite a long one.
  16. Epichealtime

    US <Techno Death Machine> Bleeding Hollow Horde 20-29 Limited Funding

    Hey Guys :D This Guild is an answer to Horde's current predicament in battlegrounds. We will focus mainly on group queueing pugs to contest current Alli Alpha Guild <Stuck at Graveyard>. I can offer you aid in leveling both your characters and your professions as well as insight into the...
  17. Starter Accounts can no longer join bgs

    So i just tried to join a random bg and it told me this ..
  18. Gold

    EU+US Total new f2p account, where to start? :)

    Hello everyone! :) So i just started my first pure f2p account and I want to know if someone would tell me where to start and what to do. Also what classes are good for pvp (for now I started with a BM hunter) and last a good realm I could join? :)
  19. Fenrok

    EU+US Enhancement Shaman @20

    Hello! My name is Fenrok, and I'm rather new here. If you read nothing else past these first few lines, all that I ask is that you read my disclaimer which will be posted right here at the top. There will be a TLDR at the bottom. Sorry for the text bomb... I got carried away. Thanks...
  20. Sithid

    US F2P Servers

    Hey, looking to start playing F2P again. I was wondering what servers have the most F2P community. Also, what chat addon do you guys use?