
  1. Bestworld

    EU WTB req lvl 20 cloth aurora gloves/boots/bracers/ring

    Looking to buy aurora cloth off-pieces with best stat distribution, 3/2 for ring and bracers and 5/3 for rest, prioritizing vers>haste (open to haste>vers offers). All of this is on Argent Dawn, Alliance. Message me on here.
  2. Diibzee

    Is this bracket really that expensive?

    Every armory I come across is BoE this BoE that, check on AH 50-200k an item... Can I not get away with gearing a twink in this bracket without farming out a bunch of BoE's or burning my bank?
  3. Diibzee

    49 Gear SPECIFIC

    So I can't seem to get this to work in any way, I have a 49 warrior I am gearing to twink with now atm. A couple items I need are green BoEs.. That being said all the greens dropping are level 41 for me that warrior and when I try and farm on my 56 pally everything dropping is 50-51 level...
  4. Diibzee

    Farming BiS BoE's

    So basically I want to know everyone's go to farm spots or bosses for BoE gear (green and blue) Also I was looking to see if anyone could answer these few questions I have about BoE farming for twink gear... 1. Does the iLvl or character level I am farming on affect the drop of the loots level...
  5. Wallhack


    All in the title, WTB enchant gear for BOP gear: (So we need to run WC for the drop ! ) and BOE Add me IG : BymD#2195 wisp me Here or IG ! :)
  6. BoE like Foamspittle Staff

    Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone would know any items like Foamspittle Staff, which are as easy to farm as this one or close to it? Every item is more than welcome in this thread!
  7. Value on twink BoE that no longer drops?

    Hi all, My friend made a 39 twink so I figured I'd join him, on one of my old old alts, I just hit 39 with, I noticed I had some BoE's in the bank. One of them (Warchief Kilt) apparently doesn't drop anymore as it is from old SM. It is ilvl 39 with 34 req has 5 int 16 stamina and 17...
  8. Ieatsqirrels

    Where to farm Legion BoE's?

    During Legion I met someone who played a 99 paladin and was totally into farming for fun and possible epics. We did a few battlegrounds, he disappeared a few times, and I just went back to gathering and spamming dungeons. As a 98 I farmed all the Legion BoE epics I have, since there were...
  9. Guide for world boe blues/epics?

    Hello everyone, I have searched on the site and found a few things here and there about world drops and how scaling worked. But what I'm wondering is if there is an expansive guide on these things. I have seen people with hand of edward the odd or eye of flame scaled so 39 twinks can use them...
  10. EU WTS Treia's handcrafted shround ilvl 890

    The item is currently on outland-eu but i can accept gold on alot of different realms and i am open to offers--> add pray4kills#2838
  11. US WTS ALL 101 TWINK GEAR (Over 300 Items In Stock)

    Hello folks. I am new to this site and thought I would give this post a shot. I having been buying/selling all 101&110 World/Raid drops since the start of the expansion. I am now flipping on three different servers - Kil'Jaeden, Illidan, & Thunderhorn. I have EVERY lvl 101&110 BoE with many...
  12. Thereisone

    US One Toon to rule them all. (NEWB HELP) PVE

    If you could do it all over again, what class and spec would you do for doing and selling 101 Twink carries? PVE carries at first and then maybe PVP later This will be my first 101 twink and I want to do it right. I can play almost any spec of any class. With that being said i plan on buying...
  13. US WTB 910/810 Arcane Relic or WTS 910 Life Relic.

    EDIT: Sold to WTB Shadowfang, Tyvm great guy!
  14. US WTS 885 Cyno's Mantle of Sin (Barthilas - Horde)

    As stated above, selling a 885 ilvl Cyno's mantle of sin on US barthilas, also have quite a few other pieces I'm negotiable on the price with, such as Mir's grasp 850 w leech, queen's haste mastery pendant with leech @ 840, boughs of archdruid 840 with leech, telubis 840 with leech. Contact me...
  15. US SELLING 875 SOCKET NECKLACE!! Kel'thuzad alliance

    wts 875 Talisman of Jaimil Lightheart with socket! add me zak#1386 for details!
  16. US WTS 101 Twink items(Illidan)

    Boughs of Archdruid(Leather Shoulders) 865 Avoidance Welded Hardskin Helmet(Plate Helmet) 860 Socketed Vastly Oversized Ring 855 Socketed whisper "onaspectrum"
  17. A Hobbits Tale - the one ring (900 Ilvl hype // willing to sell)

    While wandering around and doing usual adventure stuff with my monk, I stumbled upon a young hobbit called smergoll. We ended up sharing a lot of beer and telling us storys about dragons and orcs. After some hours of nonsense gibberish he left our place and what he left behind is a little...
  18. Speratic

    Selling 101 Twink Items on Various Servers

    Hello there! Are you looking for twink items for your twink? I have a lot of items I am willing to sell on various servers. Please message me directly or add Chaoticdeath#1865 to talk about price. Only accepting gold. The list of all the items vary from Ilv. 840-890 including Leech, Prismatic...
  19. Melvin

    EU+US Best place to farm BoE cloaks?

    Ive been scouring the auction house and have spamming in trade for easily 6+ hours daily for the past week trying to get a hold of Treia's Handcrafted Shroud or Cloak of Martayl Oceanstrider but i have had absolutely no luck. Do any of you guys know any good farming spot for either cloak? Ive...