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  1. 4.3 pet list

    Thank you for clarifying! I'm sorry to hear about that
  2. 4.3 pet list

    I know what I wrote, I just don't get why you can farm some but not others? Couldn't you have a higher level farm some for you? Or ask guildies if they get extras in their loot bags to send them to you?
  3. 4.3 pet list

    I have 106 pets, which I had back when I was a lvl 10 twink (recently lvld to 20). Though I am P2P, I'm not sure what makes it so the highest you can get is only 50? Here's a link to my companion armory:
  4. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    I don't want to hijack this thread since it's about achievement points, but I think I'll treat myself to a nice mount for xmas. If nothing else I can get the guild scorpion, and ofc tyraels charger in 4.3 Edit: Just trying to stay positive
  5. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    I would but the more I think about it the more I like the idea of being 20 and having a mount, and just going back to being a banker and farming achieves for fun. Besides, I can try and get hallowed, assuming they fixed the that one bucket in twilight highlands for horde... I may make a new 10...
  6. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    Sadly, I leveled last night in a WSG. I have poured months and months into Swindle and am very saddened at what happened. GMs said no way they can take me back to 10. I'm going to just level to 20 so that I can get a mount and go back to being a banker toon. It's a shame really... Anyway, I...
  7. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    Hmm, I vaguely remember having heirlooms on at the start before realizing that was going to mess up with keeping him 10ish. Like you said, even if he had been 9, I'd rather he be an even number. Ideally he would have been a level one banker, but then I never would have been able to try out BGs...
  8. Wednesday, October 26 : 10PM EST

    I'll be there, class got out early tonight so I'll have some extra time
  9. Haste and the Steamwheedle.

    Grats! That's quite the achievement. I farmed those on my main, and it is not fun at all, particularly after Cata. I would love to see a low level with the Insane title, like you said, maybe one day!
  10. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    Thanks for the welcome guys. Yeah, he's geared somewhat. I had a pretty good dodge set on him for a while, but sadly misplaced a few pieces and then ofc the dangui nerf was a pain. I think he can get to 80ish dodge still though. I mostly use him as a banker as I deal in rare recipes, that's the...
  11. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    Thanks for adding me to the list! Wanted to point out though that my name is listed as Archimonde (my server) instead of Swindle. I really like this site btw, I can't believe I haven't been here before.
  12. Pet Battle System (For you pet nerds)

    This. I'm not sure how I feel about this change either, as I have 130ish on my main and 106 on my level 10. Did I waste all the time gathering them on my 10? Time will tell.
  13. Level 1-9 Pandas

    He has the bracers from the end of the Goblin isles chain, so it would appear he had a GM halt his XP gain. If he had just gotten out there would be no way to acquire those.
  14. Lil' Tarecgosa!

    Nice! I'm looking forward to this one myself.
  15. Achievement points - level 10 - 14

    I'm at 2010 atm. Also, 106 pets. Not sure if there's a thread for those or not ;p