Haste and the Steamwheedle.


after getting Bloodsail to honored i had to repair my rep with the goblin cities.

finishing it tonight. total of 14K pirate kills soloed.

Ratchet = Exalted

Gadgetzan = Exalted

Everlook = Revered

Booty Bay = Revered

this was the longest of all rep grinds, and i still am not sure what the point was exactly, but i got

15 reps : http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/skullcrusher/H%C3%A4st%C3%AB/achievement#201:a521

and i can fish in peace. and who knows someday i might be able to finish "The Insane"
Grats! That's quite the achievement. I farmed those on my main, and it is not fun at all, particularly after Cata. I would love to see a low level with the Insane title, like you said, maybe one day!
there was no way after soloing those goblins in Arathi, Faldir's cove that i was going to lose that Bloodsail rep to get the goblins back up.

the 36K of hated took forever, it didnt even look like it was moving at 5 rep per kill lol.

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