Pet Battle System (For you pet nerds)


So this just got announced at blizzcon and it is essentially pokemon for WoW in all but name.

Just curious to see how many pet geeks we have out there, who has some awesome collections and are you forward to this?

Apparently it will be available to all levels so hopefully that stays true.

Personally I'm at 121 (hopefully 130 before 4.3) with a few rare ones I hope to fight and level with and it sounds like a fun little side game that probably comes with a few achievements and maybe a title (makes sense), something else for us low level twinks to participate in I guess

Thoughts and feelings?
I still/hope think blizz is not serious.

I wanna be the very best.

That no WoW toon ever was.

To the train them all was my task.

And to summon them was my cause.
They said it will only be a few select pets, from which I just read!! >:[

I have 126/127. So if I cant use my tcg pets or my favorite pets, this will be another big let down :S
since all pets are going to be BoA now, i like it less
sounds fun except one thing i noticed was that i read somewhere you may have to actually duel some trainers, (not their pet) to get certain skills, how would a low lvl do this, unless pets do actually go to BoA.
sounds fun except one thing i noticed was that i read somewhere you may have to actually duel some trainers, (not their pet) to get certain skills, how would a low lvl do this, unless pets do actually go to BoA.

From what I understand, all pets from all characters on your account will be merged into 1 pet UI accessible from every char on that account.

Meaning if you have a level 20 rabbit you've been leveling on you 85 warrior, you can then log onto your level 1 twink go to the pet UI and start battling with that same level 20 rabbit.

That's the concept behind making all pets account wide anyway.
since all pets are going to be BoA now, i like it less

This. I'm not sure how I feel about this change either, as I have 130ish on my main and 106 on my level 10. Did I waste all the time gathering them on my 10? Time will tell.
not to mention all the ingame gold and real life money.........

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