Lil' Tarecgosa!

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i rage when i see other people with that whelp, i love whelps and was in a 25 man guild lvl 25 and exalted waiting for this awesome pet when it disbanded

It seems to me that you're referring you were in a level 25 guild who was progressing on getting the legendary staff. My point was, a level 25 guild deep into tier progression does not just disband. I think you're confusing yourself.

This pet is not just obtained by becoming exalted with your guild. Not sure if you know this.
i was in a 25 man guild (which gets the staff faster)

the level 25 part wasnt necessary to add i guess

i never said just having exalted would earn me the pet, i said my reputation was at exalted because thats what you need to purchase the whelp from the vendor once the guild earns the achievement/finishes the staff

a level 25 guild deep into tier progression does not just disband

makes 0 sense as the guild i was in was like 4/7 heroic pre nerf(nothing special) and as i said, disbanded

there is no confusion on my end
Just lol. When you initially responded, I took it as your guild was progressing and working towards this goal, and unfortunately they disbanded. I'm sorry to hear that. It was a misinterpretation on my end chief. I try to be a little more concise when I say something. That's just me.

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