Achievement points - level 10 - 14

Just got lucky like a madman, just got Turtle Achievement, first school in a random school of fish in Howling Fjord, Thanks Blizz.
haste has been fishing for a while, and was past 6000 fish. LOL gj bank
Got some Fishing achiev today

Update at

3100 Pts =D
Happily for me, I have a few GF to help me out xD
Thanks for adding me to the list! Wanted to point out though that my name is listed as Archimonde (my server) instead of Swindle. I really like this site btw, I can't believe I haven't been here before.
welcome Swindle!!! is your 10 geared at all? i noticed you were in a town set.

bump a bit to 2870 for 15 exalted reps!

nice job moving up headstrong!
Thanks for the welcome guys. Yeah, he's geared somewhat. I had a pretty good dodge set on him for a while, but sadly misplaced a few pieces and then ofc the dangui nerf was a pain. I think he can get to 80ish dodge still though. I mostly use him as a banker as I deal in rare recipes, that's the whole reason he's level 10 in fact. I thought Swindle was a perfect name for a Goblin banker, and level 10 was the lowest I could get one out of the zone. I started collecting pets and before I knew it I was addicted to getting achieves on him

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