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  1. ......

    Amazed this thread hasn't been locked yet.... STILL no 29s games. RIP
  2. How to get 29s back online.

    Do you guys really want to bring back the whiners? That will most certainly bring back the people who want to grief the whiners, leading to a dead bracket again. Maybe we should just let it stay dead? Find something else to do?
  3. Shadowfang still drops!

    ! I'm about to farm the hell out of SFK for one.
  4. WTT Mindthirst Bracers for shadowfang! :D

    Mindthrust bracers are BiS too. The foolish part is thinking that SF is worth 50k gold....
  5. Best Shaman spec

    Best shammy class is...... cheesburger. ... with bacon.
  6. Dagger Rogues

    Dagger rogues > anything else. Not sure why anyone would play combat.
  7. ......

    Blaming me won't fix things either.
  8. ......

    Obviously, the people here are more interested in fighting incessantly, than playing games. Thanks for calling me a loser, I am sure that will fix everything.
  9. Perfect

    There's gonna be some stuff that you're gonna see, that's gonna make it hard to smile in the future. But, whatever you see, through all the rain and the pain, You gotta keep your sense of humor. You gotta be able to smile through all this bullshit, remember that. Yeah, keep your...
  10. ......

    So says the person who started a thread specifically to start drama about a dead bracket. Pot, meet kettle.
  11. hunters that roll deep with priests

    Are you upset about something? Perhaps you could scream into your pillow instead of bringing it here?
  12. ......

    No idea
  13. ......

  14. Poll: Reasosn for not playing 29s. US

    Hey guys, in order to discover the real reason why everyone decided to stop showing up to games, I am going to make a poll where I allow people to vote for every single option if they want to, completely failing to narrow down the cause of the bracket demise to any particular one thing...
  15. ......

    So your point is that you don't play wow at the moment, you don't have plans to play it in the future, even if games were to happen, and we're supposed to take anything you say seriously? Why are you posting here again?
  16. ......

    They're damn sure gonna try.
  17. ......

    I don't think I ever said the horde were awful. I did point out that the bitching about shit from a vocal minority is ridiculous and makes those individuals pretty retarded.
  18. Are 19 enhancement shammies even playable?

    Mine is sitting shelved until they add the following to 19 access: 1. Frost Shock 2. Instant Ghost Wolf 3. Healing Surge 4. Stormstrike As it is, primal strike hits for weapon damage on an 8 second CD. It amounts to an extra white hit every 8 secs. Lava Lash is decent, but it's still...
  19. ......

    Adding a new class to the game won't fix the mental retardation present in some of these people....
  20. 29 Monks MoP expansion
