Shadowfang still drops!

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Inb4 Dasfizzla created Nalpaca> Mails spare Shadowfang> sells to self to get lil kiddies excited>

Creates troll thread and gets it stickied

Oh, great. You should blog about it, bro. I'm sure duckhunt or damanbah would love a viable breakdown of what you went through to find this valuable piece of information out.
Oh, great. You should blog about it, bro. I'm sure duckhunt or damanbah would love a viable breakdown of what you went through to find this valuable piece of information out.
Ill be the first to axe why do u hate this iidotoe
ur only saying that cuz he made uir siggy and im sure thats not all u 2 have done together

Oh we've done tons of stuff together in the past 4 years or so but i'd still say no because he's my friend and a decent player.

I'm about to farm the hell out of SFK for one.
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