WTT Mindthirst Bracers for shadowfang! :D

[sup]People Want em
i want fang
how bout 2 bracers for a fang ^.-[/sup]
Mindthrust are worth 10k max...SF upwards of 50k+. I'm sure you can find people to trade Mindthrust + gold for SF but if you expect to trade 1 for 1 or even 2 for 1 you'll be looking for a very very long time.

Mindthrust are worth 10k max...SF upwards of 50k+. I'm sure you can find people to trade Mindthrust + gold for SF but if you expect to trade 1 for 1 or even 2 for 1 you'll be looking for a very very long time.


you mean looking for a long time for a very stupid person
Mindthrust bracers are BiS too. The foolish part is thinking that SF is worth 50k gold....
Mindthrust aren't as rare as a SF.

went across several of them in the last year.
I must really be out of the loop on things more than I thought - I've got like 10 pair gathering dust on various alts. Geesus @ inflation!

They used to drop more...I used to see them a lot too but now they're hard to come by.

I don't understand why anyone would pay 10k for mind thrust. But I guess it's just pixel gold and it's relatively easy to make.

You answered it correctly....10k is ridiculously easy to come by these days. Look at the Undermine Journal stats on this and you'll see that it's super rare and is BiS for cloth wearers so yeah....10k is easily a good value for these.

You answered it correctly....10k is ridiculously easy to come by these days. Look at the Undermine Journal stats on this and you'll see that it's super rare and is BiS for cloth wearers so yeah....10k is easily a good value for these.


1 stat difference? IDK, I got every single pair of mine for free :3
Sorry, 10k is not a good value for something that isn't so rare.

To give perspective, there are currently 2 Shadowfangs for sale in all the US Auction Houses. There are currently 8 Mindthrust Bracers in all the US Auction Houses. I check the data every day...this is not an abnormal day. How is that not so rare?

My valuation of this items is 5-10k and I stick by that. I'm certainly not the authority on all things twinking items but buying and selling has been my thing in WoW for 6 years. I'd like to think my valuations are somewhat close and well researched. Take it or leave it for what it's worth.

Mindthrust for a SF? I have at least 3-6 of these sitting in my guild bank.

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