29 Monks MoP expansion

you know you are entirely correct monks are going to pwn all because we all know they aren't re-working every other class.

Get at me in the gulch.
When will Willy realize we don't like him? Or that his children should be a higher priority than sitting on unemployment trolling twink forums?
this guy right here.. hes super hard, hardcore one might say

Me hardcore? I just play a video game about war for fun.

This guy is hardcore.



The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the Navy Cross to Roger O. Warren (2274526), Lance Corporal, U.S. Marine Corps, for extraordinary heroism while serving as a Machine Gunner with Company F, Second Battalion, Fifth Marines, FIRST Marine Division (Reinforced), Fleet Marine Force, in action against the enemy in the Republic of Vietnam. On 3 February 1968, during Operation HUE CITY, Corporal Warren's platoon was taken under intense enemy automatic weapons and rocket fire as they attempted to assault the city's Treasury Building. As the unit entered a large courtyard, one Marine was seriously wounded by a sudden burst of hostile fire and was unable to move from his exposed position. Corporal Warren, who had been wounded earlier, ignored his own painful injuries and courageously ran into the open courtyard under intense enemy fire and placed his body between the casualty and the hostile fire. Disregarding his own personal safety, he commenced firing his machine gun from the hip at suspected enemy positions until he depleted his supply of ammunition. Quickly reloading his weapon, he once again placed fire on the enemy allowing the casualty to be evacuated. On 5 February, as he was delivering a heavy volume of suppressive fire on the enemy from the second story window of a building, he was suddenly hurled through the wall into the adjoining room by two enemy rocket rounds. Wounded in both legs and temporarily stunned by the force of the explosion, he was carried downstairs and placed with six other casualties awaiting treatment. Realizing the heavy enemy fire was preventing expeditious evacuation of the casualties, he exposed himself to the intense enemy fire and brought accurate M-16 fire to bear on the enemy. Assured that the more severe casualties had been evacuated, he allowed himself to be evacuated and helped carry a wounded comrade to the aid station. Despite his several wounds, he refused medical evacuation and elected to return to his unit due to the shortage of qualified machine gunners. Upon returning to his unit Corporal Warren directed intense fire on the enemy positions. He gallantly continued to perform his duties until the seriousness of his wounds caused him to be evacuated on 10 February 1968. By his intrepid fighting spirit, exceptional fortitude, bold initiative and devotion to his fellow Marines, Corporal Warren reflected great credit upon himself and the Marine Corps and upheld the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.

Authority: Navy Department Board of Decorations and Medals

Home Town: Klamath Falls, Oregon
From http://www.homeofher...9rvn_usmcS.html

One of many true hardcore individuals. That is a navy cross citation.

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