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  1. Gear advice for genuine Starters (Horde)

    bumping for great justice
  2. Gear advice for genuine Starters (Horde)

    I like this idea, and this thread. I already have a macro regarding Mor'Shan that I click when I see folks lacking the neck/ring/weap, perhaps I'll create one for the others as well. Only thing I'll add: "Ask a guard in Org where the officer's lunge is, and find the vendor selling the...
  3. Classes/Specs of your 10-man Dream Team

    We haven't, but I think if we did we could shave our victory time down to 6 or 7 minutes instead of 10-12.
  4. The Official Arena League 2.0

    And you reap the benefits every 15 minutes in BG, which I have no objections to. But as I said this is still encouraging folks (including myself) to make friends with an 85 or two. Advocating that it be allowed to be equipped is advocating that we create something far worse than the...
  5. Classes/Specs of your 10-man Dream Team

    The reason this got picked apart is because it tends to remind one of some (not all) religious folks, with their X years of being certain they have been seeing their prayers fulfilled. :P Unfortunate, because the rest of your argument was actually pretty solid. You are supposed to put the...
  6. Beginning Premades f2p AP

    The vast majority of us do not have AGM, so you will be in pleasant company.
  7. Beginning Premades f2p AP

    He's practically done a research paper on how to mage, it is entirely reasonable that it would take at least several paragraphs to point-by-point refute whatever various errors you believe you see. Have you done that? :P
  8. Shaman healer Vs Priest Healer

    Resto Druid is viable, as shfthappens proves.
  9. Beginning Premades f2p AP

    Love it, thanks. That match - having solid competition - made me start to "get" how Horde premades work and what the rhythms (etc) are. And it looks like I was still going with the 'conventional wisdom' and using dw instead of 2h at that point, for the entire match.
  10. Classes/Specs of your 10-man Dream Team

    Mission of Midfield Team: Ignore individuals crossing midfield, but attack, kite, and split up any gathering of more than two players attempting to cross (Killing them is incidental but inevitable). Attack groups of two if those are only targets available. Mission of EFC Team: Stay with with...
  11. Classes/Specs of your 10-man Dream Team

    Maybe.... FC Team: CC Mage (Keep em sheeped, frost nova'd, etc) Disc Priest Feral Druid Midfield Team: 2 x Hunters RShammy EFC Team: Sub Rogue (Keep healers busy) Ret Pally & Fury Warrior (Burst down EFC together) Holy Pally (Along with Ret Pally, HoJ enemy healers)
  12. hai!

    I actually wouldn't mind one or two hunters in our AP Horde premades. I also wouldn't mind one or two Rogues to separate healers from groups, peel hunters off of our healers, and generally do other control tasks. And I can confirm that in the right hands, a ret pally can be devastating in...
  13. The Official Arena League 2.0

    I sincerely doubt rogue/rogue would be a competitive team.
  14. Lifeblood from Herbalism

    Phenomenal idea with the macro, and I hadn't noticed that about GCD. Guess I'll put it on my charge button. :)
  15. Lifeblood from Herbalism

    Lifeblood - Spell - World of Warcraft Does anyone use this and find it useful? I suppose it's worth the GCD to use 1.5 seconds before entering combat...
  16. A few questions on Fury Warriors

    When AP Horde is rolling premades, I'm on my warrior 100% of the time. When that isn't happening, I'll sometimes hop on my rogue and play around. Once in a great while, I'll hop on my huntard that barely has 1k hp or my rsham.
  17. GG AP horde!

    I'll be honest, I was a little pissed that we didn't win that. Ten extra seconds, all we needed!
  18. Viable?

    What would your counter be to the enemy simply ignoring you and bursting down whoever you are trying to heal? That'd be my strategy, anyways.
  19. hi, new to the forums video inside

    IMO, it can be a viable strategy in some situations and indeed the ideal strategy. When the score is 2/0 (your team up by 2) and the enemy turtles, for example, GY camping is the legitimate counter - when a turtle dies, you need to make sure he doesn't get back into his turtle shell. GY Camping...
  20. A quote i tought i'd share.

    It certainly has a hint of legendary status, and can certainly be assume to have differed as 1900 years of time marched from the founding of Rome to the fall of the Eastern Empire. Roman triumph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia