Classes/Specs of your 10-man Dream Team

Pookums said:
Feel free to argue all you want, I have 6 years as a FC (in MANY premade Vs. Premade) to know better =D

The reason this got picked apart is because it tends to remind one of some (not all) religious folks, with their X years of being certain they have been seeing their prayers fulfilled. :p

Unfortunate, because the rest of your argument was actually pretty solid. You are supposed to put the strongest piece of evidence in the conclusion, not the weakest!

(And if we offer justifications for our dream teams, we are engaging in argument.)
I'll admit my final statement was a little cocky, I'm not usually that way. FC'ing is something I have done since I began twinking, it's what I know best. I wouldn't dream of carrying on a debate about casters, DPS, or healers.

My apologies Light I did not mean to belittle other FC's, that was not my intention. I WILL add that when I was main FC for Pwnshop back in the day I ran a prot Pally (Healadinn - Windrunner), and I can tell you he was quite viable, until faced with a skilled Shammy... A sham will purge all your seals / buffs (maybe not seals did they change that?) and interrupt nearly every heal you try to throw.

I will reiterate, when the chips are down, and you are facing a FULL ON assault, IMO, nobody has the survival capabilities of a Prot War.
Pookums said:
You're taking what I posted out of context, the title of the thread was "dream team" meaning the best possible scenario. I think the BEST scenario is Resto Drood and Prot War. Never anywhere in my post did say the other options were NOT viable. I also never once stated how "awesome I am" either, in fact in several posts I have stated that I am still a "clicker" meaning my reaction times will always be at a disadvantage Vs. someone with keybinds.

As far as experience based on previous patches / expansions you are exactly right, which is why I have done some testing "recently". Now I'll admit that I do not have either a prot or holy pally I plan to roll each in the near future. For further testing.

Let me ask you this, what are the max defensive stats of a prot Pally assuming full BoA gear?

Earthpig already explained it well enough really. Although your last sentence blew your post outta of the neutral augmentative posting and led it towards "I know better then all of you so just shut up noob". Also as Earthpig said, your opinions and statements are completely valid for your own choices, just closing with an end all be all statement is bad form.

As for your question, on Lightsworn-Arathor with one heirloom shes sitting at 50.48% physical, 1434 health and her self heals crit for 1k+ in my current set up, and I haven't even begun tweaking for str/stam balance including the str conversion to sp etc etc. As I said before, my point is there is no end all class as everyone has a different preference, and that's what the last sentence made you sound like.

On a last note I'm not gonna argue or try to prove anything more that what I've said for Paladin, try it for yourself if you question it. My idea with my first post was just being suggestive to be more neutral, the topic is indeed -your- dream team so by all means have at it.

Edit: Got another post in before me, wasn't trying to get an apology, just trying to keep things neutral as best as possible. And yes the only remaining purge I know of is blessings, the rest you keep.
1700 HP sounds a little high (are you figuring in LFH and AGM?)... I'm currently at (with shout no other buffs) 2234 armor (51.55% dmg reduction) 10.42% dodge 13.32% parry and 20% block with 1384 HP, defensive stance further reduces dmg by 10%. BE racial (AoE silence) and specced for gag order so ranged (50% chance) single target silence that has critted for ~670 so far. My justification for mitigation Vs. HP / stam is especially when the debuff is up, it's ALL about avoidance. No +% to dmg if they can't hit you =D
Pookums said:
1700 HP sounds a little high (are you figuring in LFH and AGM?)... I'm currently at (with shout no other buffs) 2234 armor (51.55% dmg reduction) 10.42% dodge 13.32% parry and 20% block with 1384 HP, defensive stance further reduces dmg by 10%. BE racial (AoE silence) and specced for gag order so ranged (50% chance) single target silence that has critted for ~670 so far. My justification for mitigation Vs. HP / stam is especially when the debuff is up, it's ALL about avoidance. No +% to dmg if they can't hit you =D

Considering I'm at 1434 with what I have on my ally Prot I think he is. The eyepatch is only 4 less stam than LFH but more armor and the heirlooms I'm missing is another 4 stam so that would bring me lil over 1500. even if i switched out back/belt for pure stam it wouldnt be more than 1600 tops but then I'm losing 10 str which negates what I'm trying for. No doubt your war is superior for avoidance, the dmg reduction would be equal had I been in all heirloom though, save def stance. I cant find a clear answer if that equals you 51%+10% or is it another 10% of your existing 50%.
I BELIEVE the 10% is applied after all other modifiers, someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Also I see on your sig that you have 126 stam, mine is currently 135, did they buff Pally HP that much? I would guess if so, that is a direct tradeoff for the slightly less dmg mitigation.

Could you add a link to your armory in your sig so I can compare?
My comparision is based off my other Lightsworn that was further along, not this one that just started.

Líghtsworn @ Arathor - Game - World of Warcraft

This is the armory although the armor isn't quite right, not sure why. It stands at 1992+139 which gets me to 50.37% currently, again still missing shoulder heirloom, 90 armor diff. I also didnt get around to leatherworking kits since i moved.
D- Holy pally (FC), Frost mage, Rshaman, Disc, Hunter


It's OK cutie you'll get der one day.

O- Ret, Fury, Rogue, Hunter, Disc

"What about a mid team??"

You've clearly never premaded that's retarded and would get shit on by a real premade team.

O HAI WE R 2 hunters and a RSHAMAN IN MID HOW R U 2DAI?? Well ya see, I'm great because me and my offense buddies just split off from our defense after crossing and guess what? We're about to **** you in the mouth for being out of position.


No. Wipe the drool off your screen and put your bib on so you can see how devastating they are when supported by a functioning offense.


In the trash where they belong.... useless. Only good for a silence but sac everything to get it.

"WHY NOT MORE HUNTERS and stuffz?"

If there wasn't a two class limit there would be no point of premading at all.

*typing the next one normally because it's a fair question to ask*

"Why wouldn't they just focus and burn down the priest quickly?"

The amount of peels this offense would have would be unbelievable. Trying to get to that priest through the hunter/rogue/fury peels would be insanely hard. The ret's role would be offheal/BoP if needed while setting up for his burst combo. Ez.

Edit: On D there would be an option of running a Rogue over the Mage or Priest depending on what setup the other team is using.
Bone said:
D- Holy pally (FC), Frost mage, Rshaman, Disc, Hunter


It's OK cutie you'll get der one day.

O- Ret, Fury, Rogue, Hunter, Disc

"What about a mid team??"

You've clearly never premaded that's retarded and would get shit on by a real premade team.

O HAI WE R 2 hunters and a RSHAMAN IN MID HOW R U 2DAI?? Well ya see, I'm great because me and my offense buddies just split off from our defense after crossing and guess what? We're about to **** you in the mouth for being out of position.


No. Wipe the drool off your screen and put your bib on so you can see how devastating they are when supported by a functioning offense.


In the trash where they belong.... useless. Only good for a silence but sac everything to get it.

"WHY NOT MORE HUNTERS and stuffz?"

If there wasn't a two class limit there would be no point of premading at all.

*typing the next one normally because it's a fair question to ask*

"Why wouldn't they just focus and burn down the priest quickly?"

The amount of peels this offense would have would be unbelievable. Trying to get to that priest through the hunter/rogue/fury peels would be insanely hard. The ret's role would be offheal/BoP if needed while setting up for his burst combo. Ez.

Edit: On D there would be an option of running a Rogue over the Mage or Priest depending on what setup the other team is using.

was just about to post about how everyone saying mid team has learly never premaded
Jdoring said:
Haha but bone why is Der no shameng on offense for da purges!?!?!

Yeah I kept going over this in ma head when I was making the line but the only one you could replace would be the fury because the other ones fill their roles too well. I think choosing between ele and enhance would depend on what race their FC is. If the fc is Tauren then enhance because ele wouldn't even tickle his balls (even with 10 spellpen.)

If you know they're going to try to utilize top of tunnel (we're talking ally offense only atm) then ele all the way. It's too game breaking in that situation.

Depending on how good the priest is I'd probably still go fury because a ret/fury/hunt offense could drop that priest in .1 seconds flat even through agm and offheals.
D: hpal fc, priest, arcane mage, feral drood offheals

O: enh sham, resto sham, 2 rogues, hunter, frost mage

between 2 shams purging/ccing everyone and doube sap, you should be able to shut down almost any d. If they have a priest shams can just purgespam and interrupt and its gg. the mages job would be mostly keep everyone away from the healer, and cc any heals they have
Bone said:
D- Holy pally (FC), Frost mage, Rshaman, Disc, Hunter

O- Ret, Fury, Rogue, Hunter, Disc

By the way, I'd like to take this out of theory and actually try it. The Offensive team you describe, we basically already have in the AP Strike Force. I'd seriously like to look into practicing with this setup, if people are interested.

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