Lifeblood from Herbalism

Its not on the GCD. As a Troll, I have two non-GCD haste spells (Lifeblood and Berserking). I never used them at ALL so I just put them in macros on my two longer-cast spells.

#showtooltip Entangling Roots

/cast Lifeblood

/cast Berserking(Racial)

/cast Entangling Roots

#showtooltip Nourish

/cast Lifeblood

/cast Berserking(Racial)

/cast Nourish

if they're not on cooldown, they'll get popped.

there's an argument that goes like "oh, don't do that, use a modifier so you can choose when to use them...that way they'll be ready for those clutch moments"...but for me it's just a case of convenience (I don't need them for PvE; and I always seem to need them for PvP, otherwise I wouldn't be casting them).

This lowers Entangling Roots to 1.39 secs from 1.7 secs.

This lowers Nourish to 2.45 secs from 3 secs.

...not much, but better than not using them.

Edit: and now that I look at the numbers, it doesn't make too terribly much sense...Berserking is supposed to be 20% so, stacked with Lifeblood, the cast times should be shorter....I'm getting the numbers from the tooltip readings with both procs up. hmmmm.

editedit: as a warrior, you might just want to stick it in a macro with whatever you usually use as an opener. that way at least you'll get frequent use out of it.

editeditedit: the above doesn't consider the HoT, which I haven't tested, but looks like to be about 4% of total health...i suppose i could stuff that in a macro with my healing pots or something. hmmm.
solvogero said:
there's an argument that goes like "oh, don't do that, use a modifier so you can choose when to use them...that way they'll be ready for those clutch moments"...but for me it's just a case of convenience (I don't need them for PvE; and I always seem to need them for PvP, otherwise I wouldn't be casting them).

I like to use opt-out modifier macros for this reason, along the lines of:

/use [nomod] <<cooldown>>

/use <<Spellname>>

This way you can save your cooldown when you're just exorcism-ing a low hp straggler or rooting part of a EFC escort, but you don't have to waste the mental bandwidth popping your cooldown when you're in the thick of things.


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