hi, new to the forums video inside


Sup, new to these forums. Good to know there are so many f2p twinks. Well i have a few twinks so far warrior, rogue, hunter working on others as well. Well heres a SS of my warrior Furypvp http://i356.photobucket.com/albums/oo9/rpwolverin/lvl20warownage.jpg

Just made a video of my rogue in 1bg just for entertainment. Watch in HD the quality could be better. Wow Rogue trial pvp - YouTube

Well thats all for now hope to see some of you on the battlefield :)

TY 4 the warm welcome every1.
iaccidentallytwink said:
At first I was going to point out everything specifically but I'm just going to say this;

That was the best video ever made.

I love you.


WOW, that makes me feel alot better. I only spent a few hours making the video, was abit worried ppl wouldn't like it. For any1 who didn't read the description i plan to make more videos in the future, will put alot more time/effort in them. TY again for the kind response. I'm curious what did you like the most?
Best VID srsly mate. Freakin' love it.

But yea great camping 175 hk's are not possible as long as ur not playing vs Retards..... and ya my Destro Lock hits higher crits then ur rogue :p anyway welcome....
You should roll on Aerie Peak alliance, we sure could use a warrior like you against the horde :D

sorry beef your not the best warrior anymore :p
hey beefstock one question

if lets say a team doesnt have 2 flags and thus is not holding a flag back from capping,

but they are farming the enemy GY

is that counted as gy camping?
Jeralulz said:
Best VID srsly mate. Freakin' love it.

But yea great camping 175 hk's are not possible as long as ur not playing vs Retards..... and ya my Destro Lock hits higher crits then ur rogue :p anyway welcome....

Ty 4 the video response

Well I don't claim to hit the hardest or be the best rogue in the bracket.
barthilastwink said:
You should roll on Aerie Peak alliance, we sure could use a warrior like you against the horde :D

sorry beef your not the best warrior anymore :p

Don't really have any plans to come to AP but who knows I just might. On 2nd thought I may make a char on AP both horde and ally
Pookums said:
Sweet vid, I like the production. Few things, camp less it's not very classy, I was really happy to see you actually kicking heals (so many don't). I recognize some of those folks you were killing (they bad), and finally why don't you come roll a rogue on AP Horde =D

TY 4 the kind vid response

I agree 90% of the players i fought were bad, although I only recorded 1 BG for this video thats why you see the same person multiple times. My next video will prob have a couple weeks of footage to pick through.

About the camping part I usually just sap 1 guy around mid and kill him just to weaken there wave of players. I normally don't camp the GY unless they won't leave it.

I've already said this but I don't have any plans to come to AP horde or ally, but who knows I just might.

On 2nd thought Ill prob make a char on AP both horde and ally
barthilastwink said:
hey beefstock one question

if lets say a team doesnt have 2 flags and thus is not holding a flag back from capping,

but they are farming the enemy GY

is that counted as gy camping?

Some say it is an acceptable strategy to hold the team in the gy "AS LONG AS FLAGS ARE BEING RUN", I tend to disagree. ALWAYS give the other team at least the chance to play and formulate a strategy. When we're running premades (I usually run flags) I keep a close watch on where my team is and what they're doing. You can ask any who has premade with me, if the team gets close to the gy at all, I tell them to back off.
Pookums said:
Some say it is an acceptable strategy to hold the team in the gy "AS LONG AS FLAGS ARE BEING RUN", I tend to disagree. ALWAYS give the other team at least the chance to play and formulate a strategy.

And that's why the villains in films always loses to the heroes.

As long as flags are being run, GY camping is a very valid strat. You are not farming, you are preventing them from reaching the FC.
barthilastwink said:
hey beefstock one question

if lets say a team doesnt have 2 flags and thus is not holding a flag back from capping,

but they are farming the enemy GY

is that counted as gy camping?

IMO, it can be a viable strategy in some situations and indeed the ideal strategy. When the score is 2/0 (your team up by 2) and the enemy turtles, for example, GY camping is the legitimate counter - when a turtle dies, you need to make sure he doesn't get back into his turtle shell. GY Camping is the easiest way to do that. If a team turtles when down by 2, they are asking to be GY Camped.

There are a couple other situations as well. I'm not going to jump into the "while flags are being run" debate, except to point out that I tend not to do it. Lately, me and a handful of others have gotten into the habit of... um, well, "tunnel camping" I guess you could call it. We sit at entrance to enemy tunnel, and kill anyone that picks a fight. Anyone that doesn't want a fight can run the other direction and avoid us.

And inevitably, the EFC ends up moseying on by for us to kill.
Quality vid man, way to show some actual good play in there along with the random ambush shenanigans that usually dominate amateur pvp vids. The sap + flag return at the end in particular, also healer kicks and evasion vs hunters. And was that a shadowmeld to re-enter stealth at 1:20? Making my gnome rogue a little jealous. Good editing, too.

The song is a tad overused, however.
Nice video

What I didnt like about it was the fact that you were GY Camping a few times. The only time GY Camping would be okay in my eyes is when it's to keep the FC from getting to the flag or to keep a healer away from their team. Camping DPS @GY just shows the lack of interest in BG objectives.

What I enjoyed about it was that you had some RvR scenes, you propperly fought against a hunter, and you even managed to make a 24 rogue run for their money.

Things to improve would be gear, I didnt see any BoA gear or the usage of an AGM. Usually that's a sign that you haven't put much time into your character or that you just started this toon.

As much as I appreciated the video and a lot of the scenes, I don't appreciate the addition of another FOTM class which is why I mentioned the lack of BoA gear and of an AGM. If I had to guess, you started this toon not too long ago(this is without seeing your achievement history). I also read that you have a hunter, it hurts to read that.

You do however know how to propperly play a rogue which is what I like to see, regardless if it's a FOTM class.

Great video, I wouldn't mind seeing some videos of your fury warrior. It's hard to find some good fury warriors in lower lvl pvp.

If I had to rate it 1-10, i'd give it a 7. If you managed to pull all that off without playing a FOTM class, 10+.
pinochet said:
Quality vid man, way to show some actual good play in there along with the random ambush shenanigans that usually dominate amateur pvp vids. The sap + flag return at the end in particular, also healer kicks and evasion vs hunters. And was that a shadowmeld to re-enter stealth at 1:20? Making my gnome rogue a little jealous. Good editing, too.

The song is a tad overused, however.

ty well for maybe 4hours work I think it turned out good.

Yes, you can also see it at around 11sec and at the end right after I kill the efc i shadowmeld/stealth

Yeah I know I wasn't gonna use it at first but then I thought youtube might remove the one I had picked so I chose a song I knew was on the audioswap on youtube. Otherwise if i just through in some other crap or had no music the video would just be stupid all the random zooms/effects.

That macro is

/cast shadowmeld

/cast stealth

you have to hit it twice once for shadowmeld 2nd for stealth
Mrcer said:
Nice video

What I didnt like about it was the fact that you were GY Camping a few times. The only time GY Camping would be okay in my eyes is when it's to keep the FC from getting to the flag or to keep a healer away from their team. Camping DPS @GY just shows the lack of interest in BG objectives.

What I enjoyed about it was that you had some RvR scenes, you propperly fought against a hunter, and you even managed to make a 24 rogue run for their money.

Things to improve would be gear, I didnt see any BoA gear or the usage of an AGM. Usually that's a sign that you haven't put much time into your character or that you just started this toon.

As much as I appreciated the video and a lot of the scenes, I don't appreciate the addition of another FOTM class which is why I mentioned the lack of BoA gear and of an AGM. If I had to guess, you started this toon not too long ago(this is without seeing your achievement history). I also read that you have a hunter, it hurts to read that.

You do however know how to propperly play a rogue which is what I like to see, regardless if it's a FOTM class.

Great video, I wouldn't mind seeing some videos of your fury warrior. It's hard to find some good fury warriors in lower lvl pvp.

If I had to rate it 1-10, i'd give it a 7. If you managed to pull all that off without playing a FOTM class, 10+.

Ty for being honest.

I stopped paying for wow idk maybe 7months ago. So I think i have been playing the f2p for about 2-3weeks now I played the hunter first. Then i quickly realized they were OP so I lvld a rogue then a warrior. Whether rogues were the FOTM or not I would have still made him.

As tempting as it is I usually don't camp there GY like that but I wanted some footage so I went to the place I knew I could find some fights. I recorded 1bg for that footage which is why you see me fighting the same ppl in the video like that hunter.

I might make the next video of my warrior but I really want to work on my rogue to. Again thank you for being honest I can only make better videos if the people who watch them tell the truth.

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