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  1. 80 twinking so play 80.

    I find it quite funny to go up against lvl 84's, Except for when they are the same class, sience they have an improvement of everything....
  2. You Gotta Be Critting Me

    Talked to someone from the guild about this, heard you are doing ICC25HC Weekly?
  3. Shaman - Reforging ?

    Anyone able to make chardev or something? And what are the two top things to Reforge after (to) As Elemental Shaman? Reforging atm after only Haste, got about 35% Haste .
  4. EU 80 players sign here!

    Sup? Shaman signing in.. dinged yasterday.
  5. Shaman LF 80Guild EU

    as the title says, Im a lvl 80 shaman, recently dinged, but somewhat decent geared. link here. Ive played shaman for a while, and started to miss WOTLK... sooo.. any lvl 80guilds here in need of a shaman?
  6. Wich server? (EU)

    Hello, recently started twinking at lvl 80, dinged yasterday, but quite decent gear, i think atleast.. anyway, i was curious about wich servers, thats theres the most 80s on, doing both ICC heroics and Premades, ?
  7. EU New Horde 39TwinkGuild.

    I shall go to Dreanor , as a horde.. :)
  8. Wich Classes are "Best" Right Now at 80?

    best 2v2 setup then? ;)
  9. Wich Classes are "Best" Right Now at 80?

    Wich Classes is best right now at 80? Im talking about fullygeared :D
  10. EU New Horde 39TwinkGuild.

    Oh MY, please mate, I know Highwav is extremely active, but im talking Horde, If You Wouldve Read it all, you wouldve understood that..
  11. EU New Horde 39TwinkGuild.

    I have, but they dont see to be active at all. :)
  12. 39 EU Warsong signup thread

    Sign me up, Shockín Aggramar Horde.
  13. EU New Horde 39TwinkGuild.

    to be all honest, i dont care what server the hordes are on, just that they are somewhere, tellme when you fixed alot of twinks on a server, and ill transfer there, Just trying to get some WSGs going at all.:)
  14. EU New Horde 39TwinkGuild.

    Hello, ive been thinking a bit and decided to make a try to do a decent 39twink guild. Right now, we only got 3 twinks, If intrested, throw me a PM on the forum with your Real ID. Time for the horde to step up, lets Revive this Bracket once again. :oops: /Shockín @ Aggramar
  15. Arena Grand Master - Easy and Hard Servers to get it on.

    Aggramar is pretty hard, allways someone there, cept for at 3,6 and if lucky 9.. Sience we got a shitload of 19twinks, when they are there, they got 5-10boosters, was a Pain to steal it from them.:)
  16. Vortex Pinnacle and Stonecore avaible for 80s

    thanks ael, your making me lvl my dk..
  17. Vortex Pinnacle and Stonecore avaible for 80s

    Stop beein such a Douche, "aelobin" , if you now sposed to be a guildleader, you could atleast act a little less like a Moron.
  18. EU 39 revival project wsg - sundays at 7pm gmt +1

    got a Real ID i can add, and Id like continue talking there.:)
  19. EU 39 revival project wsg - sundays at 7pm gmt +1

    I was talking about wrecking balls , the Horde guild.:)
  20. EU 39 revival project wsg - sundays at 7pm gmt +1
