You Gotta Be Critting Me


Hey guys - So I've been doing alot of research amongst 80 twinks during bg's and I've found that the most active twink guild has recently disbanded. After hearing this, a bunch of 80 twinks such as Boedha, myself, Klindá and Antívirus decided that it was time to form our own guild on (H)Outland, Europe.

<You Gotta Be Critting Me> is a very well-known guild throughout the misery battlegroup and more.

We formed the guild 4 days ago now and already on 30+ member's, with the full intention of doing rated battlegrounds and especially Herald of the Titans, we'd like to think that the difference between ourselves and other twink guilds, is that we do not use Cataclysm gear.

Some may believe that Cataclysm gear is a must however we deffinately disagree, we call ourselves wotlk twinks so we use, wotlk gear. If you feel you fit the role perfectly when it comes to wotlk gear, please don't hesitate to whisper one of our many member's for more info.

We're also setting up weekly arena wargame tournaments with a current prize of 2k gold. There are some rules on this competition however any twink would agree is fair.

We'd like to welcome any twink to join our twink community providing they have the intention of gearing with a wotlk set, and sticking with it.

We have multiple divisions in the guild so if you do not wish to participate in pvp / raiding, that's not a problem as we have multiple ranks to enable you to play in the section you wish to play in.

Any questions, post underneath or feel free to log to Outland(H) and give us a whisper!

helps to say this is an EU guild, which sucks since i wont be able to join. searched armory and servers and couldnt find Outland as a server till i looked on the EU armory
You're right, my apologies - quite unfortunate indeed, but will be sure to change it, thanks for the feedback!
Not ragging on the guild, but I always find it a bit humorous when people decide to start a guild with ~2-4 people and expect the other 20 or so people for a full raid to transfer or reroll onto that server instead of discussing here what server would be best for everyone to allocate to X3
Talked to someone from the guild about this, heard you are doing ICC25HC Weekly?

I'm currently in this "guild" and no the gm doesn't even log on so I found it a waste of my time and money.

Not ragging on the guild, but I always find it a bit humorous when people decide to start a guild with ~2-4 people and expect the other 20 or so people for a full raid to transfer or reroll onto that server instead of discussing here what server would be best for everyone to allocate to X3

Its been done before and we went from 5-30+ clearing all content weekly, if people don't put in the effort too transfer nothing will happen, you cant expect it too happen on your current realm.

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