Arena Grand Master - Easy and Hard Servers to get it on.


This may be a factor in choosing which server to make your next f2p twink on, so please share.

Dunemaul - Little difficulty. Have Had to kill a 19-24 twink from time to time.

Korialstrasz - Medium difficulty. Frequently ?? with over 100k hp around.

In the same timeframe my Dunemaul toon has won 14 times, my Korialstrasz toon has won 6. (If I see a bunch of ?? around, I'll just log off and log onto other toon)

Conjecture: The old and well established servers have few people trying to get it. "New Players" servers have many.
Difficulty also depends on which hour you are attempting to get the chest. On Aerie Peak there is almost always people at the arena fighting over the chest during evening hours in the States but whenever I have logged on at say, 3 am, I was able to walk straight up to the chest and grab it.
Aggramar is pretty hard, allways someone there, cept for at 3,6 and if lucky 9.. Sience we got a shitload of 19twinks, when they are there, they got 5-10boosters, was a Pain to steal it from them.:)

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