80 twinking so play 80.


So i've been doing alot of bg's on my warrior and myself and my guild agree that abusing cataclysm gear isn't the way to twink, so we're already at a disadvantage, to then meet 84's that can quite literally 1shot you, is just taking it too far. Blizzard refuse to accept that anything below 85 is broken because in my personal opinion, their only focus is 85 raiding. Like i said, my guild and I refuse to use cataclysm gear which is due to personal opinion and I'm sure plenty of other people disagree with me when I say, it's annoying. Which is fair enough. 84's however are just too far, blizzard, fix it. D=
I would love this idea but there always will be people who roll full cata or 84s.
Absolutely agree - As i said, it's all personal opinion but mine is to just play wotlk, makes it more balanced, alot more challenging, which i think is what the game lacks and just generally better. Shame really, that's the joy of running an 80 twink guild though, with a wotlk gear requirement, can do raiding, arena and rbg's with wotlk gear only. Makes it alot more fun
if you're going to purposely put yourself at a disadvantage for RP reasons, it's totally your call. you can't expect everyone else to do the same
Not exactly roleplay reasons, end of the day - if you're an 80 twink, you shouldn't be 4 levels higher with an advantage of 50k more health. It's not the fact that we're doing it wrong, it's the fact blizzard can't fix a reliable bracket so that 84's aren't abusing the fact they have double, if not more, stats than us.
If you wona play with all WotLK gear that fine do what you want, but don't come her saying that 84s with 50k more HP are "the shit" coz they aint if you playing a BiS 80!

Am gona type this gain, just so everyone got this, 84s suck! If 84 were good there would never be so many 80 twinks.
Okay, well. I'm not sure if the above was for, or against my arguement. Find it quite difficult to understand if it was either o_O
84s are shit vs 80s. they dont have double the stats, just maybe double the hp. from there if you cant get around them, then you suck
Every upper bracket faces this issue. To lay it out more clearly, 84s lose 66% of their secondary stats compared to 80s. That's 2/3 less crit, haste, hit, resilience, mastery, spirit. Don't be deceived by "double the health", because not only does that get partially mitigated by the serious resil loss, but extra health isn't even an 84's greatest strength.

More to the point, a complete set of wrathful gear including off-pieces should prevent anyone from getting globaled in this bracket. If you die that quickly, something's not right, and facing enemies with cata gear isn't the reason for such a quick death.

One of the greatest features of the 80-84 bracket is the greatest variety of viable gear compared to any other live XP-off bracket. Make the most of this feature.
Okay, well. I'm not sure if the above was for, or against my arguement. Find it quite difficult to understand if it was either o_O

I just wasn't as forth coming with the point of my statements as Falkors taste-full comment ;

if you cant get around them, then you suck


But back on topic, it awesome that you want to raid with wrath gear only, thats the way to do it and most of the ppl will agree. But there is no reason not to use best gear available in BGs. So if u get owned by 84s thats your own damn fault for not using better gear.

Anyways as Bwappo said 84s greatest strength aint even the extra HP. But its the abilities they get at 81 and 83, and maybe the extra hit u need in order to hit them all the time. So a sight of an 84 is no reason to panic at all, now if u see an 81 or 83, thats something to take note of, coz thats the guy who is possibly much more dangerous then an 84. He got those abilities and beefy cata gear and still retains some level of secondary stats due to not being so high up in level.
81s are the most dangerous of the group imo. They trade a lot of survivability for damage, but they can stack mastery much higher than the average 80, making classes like Fury Warriors, Feral Druids, DKs, etc who thrive off of high mastery viable for damage.
I find it quite funny to go up against lvl 84's, Except for when they are the same class, sience they have an improvement of everything....
I am a Level 80 Fury warrior with 24k Hp now i am in T9 + T7 basicly, Now i was in wintergrasp vs a level 82 mage, He used 1 Arcane blast, Hit me for 47k. Now Cata has ruined this Bracket i loved it in Wotlk, Thats why im back at 80, Its just the face like people who go to a higher level or alot higher gear to kill somone isnt Skilled, Its Sad And a failure, Thats my idea anyway , Powervirus - Ahn qiraj EU
players who min/max are going to take advantage of everything at every level to win. the bracket is 80-84. adapt or fall to the wayside.
So i've been doing alot of bg's on my warrior and myself and my guild agree that abusing cataclysm gear isn't the way to twink, so we're already at a disadvantage, to then meet 84's that can quite literally 1shot you, is just taking it too far. Blizzard refuse to accept that anything below 85 is broken because in my personal opinion, their only focus is 85 raiding. Like i said, my guild and I refuse to use cataclysm gear which is due to personal opinion and I'm sure plenty of other people disagree with me when I say, it's annoying. Which is fair enough. 84's however are just too far, blizzard, fix it. D=

ure the lvl 80 nightelf warrior right? XD..

first, learn u're class - after it u can whine about 84s.

ofc, what do u think when u re wearing full pve/green ilevel 187 items?
I am a Level 80 Fury warrior with 24k Hp now i am in T9 + T7 basicly, Now i was in wintergrasp vs a level 82 mage, He used 1 Arcane blast, Hit me for 47k. Now Cata has ruined this Bracket i loved it in Wotlk, Thats why im back at 80, Its just the face like people who go to a higher level or alot higher gear to kill somone isnt Skilled, Its Sad And a failure, Thats my idea anyway , Powervirus - Ahn qiraj EU

Reflect that shit man.
Not exactly roleplay reasons, end of the day - if you're an 80 twink, you shouldn't be 4 levels higher with an advantage of 50k more health. It's not the fact that we're doing it wrong, it's the fact blizzard can't fix a reliable bracket so that 84's aren't abusing the fact they have double, if not more, stats than us.
blizzard balances the game around end game, not around twink brackets

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