Wich Classes are "Best" Right Now at 80?

mage is still fotm

but other than that pick what you want, all classes are viable.
idk iv been messing around with a spriest, and as a hpally spriest, we could easily destryo any comp. but it is 80 arena... so lol
Stunggix said:
hunt + pri 1# rank

A hunter you say? Uh, ok.

I would love to see that against a mage/priest or mage/hpally.

Is there any class that can compete in PvP against a mage? A shadow priest maybe? What else?
Sosaye said:
A hunter you say? Uh, ok.

I would love to see that against a mage/priest or mage/hpally.

Is there any class that can compete in PvP against a mage? A shadow priest maybe? What else?

We meeted frost mage and disc pri. They only won once cuz mage got lucky 18k lance.
spriest + rogue, double ret, frost dk + healer, arcane + healer (or dps), frost mage + healer (or dps)

lot of op comps
Affliction locks are pretty op atm just get raped by hunters. Theres hardly any though so they go un-noticed. Playing afflic hpala at 2.3k mmr and its going alright i suppose only lost to 84 hunter+ 84 r sham.
Shermaan said:
...and its going alright i suppose only lost to 84 hunter+ 84 r sham.

goblin rshaman and tauren hunter? .. god damn, this shaman is so bad, and if the hunter bm's ..he can only pop BM to do dmg and a bit cc..otherwiese he is only spaming 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 .. no scatter, no trap.. :D

won all fights vs this team.
Shermaan said:
Affliction locks are pretty op atm just get raped by hunters. Theres hardly any though so they go un-noticed. Playing afflic hpala at 2.3k mmr and its going alright i suppose only lost to 84 hunter+ 84 r sham.

im sorry, who are you beating? afflic has zero burst, and no drain mana, so any comp with a healer should beat you. as ret/rdruid i dont lose to afflic/hpal (or any healer)

btw 18k lances arent "lucky".....its called fingers of frost and mastery stacking. kill the frost mages pet asap so he cant get pet novas off for FoF
Falkor said:
im sorry, who are you beating? afflic has zero burst, and no drain mana, so any comp with a healer should beat you. as ret/rdruid i dont lose to afflic/hpal (or any healer)

btw 18k lances arent "lucky".....its called fingers of frost and mastery stacking. kill the frost mages pet asap so he cant get pet novas off for FoF

As lucky i mean in some games he didnt cast anything cuz he died so fast, 0 resi.
If 10k Pet bites with 8k Haunts, 8k Instant shadowbolts all this with 4k UA, 3k corruption and 1.5k banes are not a burst idk what is.
the pet is killed, feared, or cc'd in another fashion unless you're playing idiots - most locks are bad and dont even macro pet attacks and just auto silence and dispel n such, but hopefully youre not that guy

instant shadowbolts are on low proc

dots can tick pretty hard, but UA can only be on 1 person leaving the other to be dispelled at will. the hpal provides no added burst outside of exo spamming - and you can LoS or lock him out of holy by interrupting it

dots provide nice pressure. but burst is 20k HBs or ABs or a 3pt TV crit followed by a hammer

it'd be a lot better comp if locks still had drain mana...maybe ive just been playing shitty players tho, or maybe my comp is a nice counter, but i just dont have a problem with them atm
actually whitefin axe, but yes frost DKs are extremely OP for 2s or just in BGs
yeah falkor i'd say i'm an above average warlock so auto silence + pet dying isn't a problem, and dots on both then apply extreme pressure with power torrent synapse up does some serious damage especially with my pala stopping crit heals + stunning/rebuking.
well before i lost my account i had a 80 ret pally that stacked mastery and crit and i was gettin 44k crits off. it was pretty sexy. id say ret with the right gear is pretty nice.

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