Vortex Pinnacle and Stonecore avaible for 80s



Milkayo told me not to tell this sorry :(
Stunggix said:
Milkayo told me not to tell this sorry :(

Why did you even feel the need to withdraw this commonly known information?

You may as well edit the original post again to save yourself the embarassment of the thread title still showing exactly what you removed in your first edit.
Stop beein such a Douche, "aelobin" , if you now sposed to be a guildleader, you could atleast act a little less like a Moron.
lol hes hardly been a douche or moron m8. im actualy transfering to his guild this week bcos hes the most respectful and knowledgable 80 guildleader ive met so far and tht shows in his guilds success
@exxo1337: Appreciate the compliments exxo, I do my best for our guild. Gimme a /w once you've transferred and I'll throw you an invite.

@Shockin: Fair enough if you felt I was a bit "douchey" here, but honestly this thread made me lol irl which probably shows in the tone of my posts. I'm struggling to see exactly why you think I'm a "moron" though, from this or any of my posts? Like exxo said, how would Legacy be such a success if its guild leader was indeed a moron?

@Stunggix: I'm still waiting to hear why your new GM would want to keep your information about VP/SC "secret" and demand you to edit the post you'd already made?
Stunggix said:

Great answer, very informative.

Stunggix said:
ps. wotlk is hard with full cata gear and talents.

I'll take a guess and assume this is a dig out our "guild success" previously mentioned in this thread? If so, you should really check out my latest posts in our recruitment thread. I'd say it is pretty hard to do 9 bosses in Ulduar25 with 16 or less level 80s, half of which being undergeared/un-enchanted. That's not the only 25man content we've completed with less than the full amount of players (VoA25, Naxx25, EoE25, OS3d25, Ony25, and hopefully ToC25/ICC25 this week). I'm pretty sure Magnerz will also tell you that solo healing 9/12 ICC10hc bosses as a paladin is not easy, even in Cata gear/talents. I won't get started explaining why our achieving of Herald of the Titans renders your point moot, as your previous GM didn't even know what it was when I spoke to him.

With that being said, not all our raids are intended to be hard and challenging as a lot of our guildies are playing just to have fun. I'd say our guild success could also be measured by how many active members we now have and the effort we've put into everything we do (our website, our twinks, our recruitment, etc).

PS. pvp is hard in a 5man premade against an Alliance side which has little (or no) active 80 twink guilds, resulting in an opposing bg team consisting mostly of players that are still wearing brutal gear.
Stunggix said:
Looking forward to play rbg against ur guild.

Yup. Awaiting a PM from you regarding this post I made a while back:

Feaire said:
I'll ask around and see how many of us are interested. Gimme a PM when you have enough, along with what days/times you were thinking of.
Magnerz said:
But yeah, I'm sure our more serious PvP'ers are looking forward to seeing ya on the battlefield. Rogues, Disc Priests and Frost Mages OH MY. Think of the song. ;)

That's why we will have rule for only max 2 same classes in same rbg or not going to happend.
Stunggix said:
That's why we will have rule for only max 2 same classes in same rbg or not going to happend.

I find it highly amusing that you only just appended this to your challenge of RBGs. Suddenly not feeling so confident?

In my opinion, having more than 2 of a class won't have much of an effect (unless it's 5+ frost mages). The outcome will more likely be who has more of the "powerful" classes and the best organisation/teamwork based on their choice of gear/composition.
Feaire said:
I find it highly amusing that you only just appended this to your challenge of RBGs. Suddenly not feeling so confident?

In my opinion, having more than 2 of a class won't have much of an effect (unless it's 5+ frost mages). The outcome will more likely be who has more of the "powerful" classes and the best organisation/teamwork based on their choice of gear/composition.

How it can feel confident if u might bring 5 mages lol :D
lol 1 tank 1 healer was possible at 30% in wotlk up until LK

also pvp is a joke in this bracket was r1 US naked.

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