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  1. I'm out. (For now)

    Thank you for the nice accolades, guys. I appreciate it. You are all awesome! This has been such a fun ride. Meanwhile, I'm attaching a link to some old videos I hope you enjoy. My handle on YT is Nomorage. Nomorage - YouTube I hope to see you all again some day. -Nomo
  2. I'm out. (For now)

    Fellow twinks, I have cancelled (for a while) my WoW account. I have just grown tired of all the new shenanigans Blizz plays with the game. I have cancelled before (during the Ruin consolidation). So, there is a reasonable chance I will be back, once again, one day. I just wanted to say how...
  3. Say, "Cheese" [screenshot]

  4. What do you think has hurt the 19 bracket the most?

    1. XP off 2. Completely broken queues immediately after battlegroup merge 3. Burst 4. Class imbalance 5. WSG time limit 6. BoA clones
  5. Battle standards working?

    Well, my old Battle Standard seems to be working just fine. But, I don't often use it. Also, mine is an old-school battle standard. Bought in Vanilla for lots of points, 22.5k or so as I recall. Not like one of these new, cheap, Made in China ones. -Nomo
  6. Level 15-16 twink guild.

    Check out my little Hammy. He was created in Vanilla to compete with the regular 19's. He struggles now in the BoA xp-off world, but he's still quite fun to play. 50% crit depending on the gear. He doesn't hit hard enough now though. Hamsammich @ Dethecus - Game - World of Warcraft
  7. Low Level Problems + Solutions

    Big Problems. 1.) BOA Agree. BoA should be nerfed. Furthermore, the very idea of people using the very same gear items all the way through the leveling treadmill I'm sure has caused the original vanilla-game designers to /facepalm. 2.) Damage is too high. Heals are too low...
  8. Eralan doesnt sell anyting anymore?

    I thought there was some stipulation. Like either you needed some rep, or perhaps you needed to be a certain level. What lvl was your char who bought them?
  9. Quick Reminder Regarding BiS Wand.

    Agree. This is a good tip.
  10. 18 twink?

    Yes, you guys are right! I picked up a staff and shoulders with honor points in the old PvP gear room. What's really cool is that it looks like I can mail these whenever I want to play my 19 mage. Is that true? Thanks. -Nomo
  11. 18 twink?

    No. There are no BoA's I can buy in SW. All require Justice points.
  12. Falling into the depth in WSG

    Yes, I got hit with chastise and fell through Azeroth :P. Rez'd, found the same enemy priest, chastized again, fell through the earth again! Twice in a row. I started avoiding that priest after that :P
  13. 18 twink?

    Since we could turn off XP, I actually got better gloves. The problem is my server. Dethecus is completely and utterly dead. I have yet to find anyone left who can do the sp enchant to the gloves. I keep looking though.
  14. 18 twink?

    Hi, Caulfield. Sure, I can go to that vendor, but I have no way to buy anything because I can't get "Justice" points in Vanilla.
  15. 18 twink?

    You kinda answered your own question about the gear you saw on me. I choose gear based on the competition. What you see in the armory is but a snapshot in time. No, I have no BoA's though. I'm still a plain Vanilla account. Can't get BoA in Vanilla, no matter what anyone tells you...
  16. The Good Old Days

    Wish I knew how to embed the image. Just click the link. Notice the flag caps per team, then notice the elapsed time of the match. Matches ended when a team capped 3 flags. That's the way it should be. Now, that's how to play, Nomo! Two hour match, too