Eralan doesnt sell anyting anymore?

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She should, it must be you because I bought them recently.
she should sell them, it must be your computer lagging or something.
You dont need any rep afaik, and yeah I just bought some Throat Piercers recently too. Try going back after relogging? idk
Subpar said:
You dont need any rep afaik, and yeah I just bought some Throat Piercers recently too. Try going back after relogging? idk

I thought there was some stipulation. Like either you needed some rep, or perhaps you needed to be a certain level. What lvl was your char who bought them?
limited supply i dont know but 6 hour spawn might be right. ........................i think i dont know summed it up.
she should at least show poisons

you may need to do the quest where the guy is lying on the ground near the building. which right before you cross the bridge into the ghostlands
Well, I have a toon there to farm these piercers and there's nothing over there all the time. Sometimes piercers appears, that's it. Same thing with Formal, whne it's not there, it only show 3 robes, when it appears, 4.
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