Search results

  1. Call to Arms: Aerie Peak Alliance!

    Wait so rolling on alliance AP is gonna be a waste of my time? :/
  2. Call to Arms: Aerie Peak Alliance!

    I'll roll an AP alliance toon soon just to experience the alliance quests/zones. Might roll Druid or Shaman, undecided so far. But as long as Horde BG queues are shorter, that's likely the side where I'll be playing more.
  3. PTR

    Just made a 85 Warlock, Horde-side on Broxigar. Need my high level PVP fix
  4. Hello guys :)

    Go Horde. For DPS... Arcane Mage is a good bet (we have a LOT of arcane mages aleady though) For heals... Holy Paladin is godmode. Disc Priest also not a bad choice.
  5. F2P Transmog Sets

    Cool set Lazer! Glad some liked my Darkmoon Witch set. Working on my Pally set for Purseverance now... can't really decide which look to go for because I have 2 good ones in mind. Your thoughts? (See below)
  6. Making a new 20 soon.

    How important is it for a Holy Paladin to gain MELEE Hit Cap? Which abilities rely on melee hit? Say if you want to land Crusader Strike (for Holy Power), Judgement or HoJ or something?
  7. What class gets the most MoP love?

    Paladins are gonna get a load of mobility with the new talents.
  8. Horde Aerie Peak - Halaa

    No DK interrupting this time! Looks fun, wish I had been there
  9. [OFFICIAL] Team Swag Recruitment Thread

    We should have a list of the entire Team Swag roster made up, what you guys think? Also welcome to all our new recruits!!!
  10. F2P Transmog Sets

    Here's mine, a Darkmoon Faire-themed mage mog:
  11. Excellent work tonight

    It was great to play with more experienced players and learn from each other Good times, lets do it again soon
  12. General Darkmoon Faire Guide

    In a normal month you can get up to 158 tickets. This includes: - Doing EVERY profession quest (bar Archaeology which isn't available to us) - Getting all 4 Dungeon Artifacts - Getting all 3 Battlegrounds Artifacts - Doing the minigame dailies everyday (INCLUDING the extra set Saturday...
  13. F2P - What to spend excess gold on?

    So I've found hitting the 10g cap very easy. Random Dungeons award 1g83s per run, doing most quests at Lv20 award 50s - 1g+, of course there are other methods too. I bought all the bank slots, faction bags, got a full transmog set too, respecced a few times... But I find myself back at...
  14. [OFFICIAL] Team Swag Recruitment Thread

    Swagpurse Arcane Mage REPORTING FOR DUTY!!!
  15. [OFFICIAL] Team Swag Recruitment Thread

    I don't have a subscription anymore. Will you accept a F2P toon? I'd roll a Mage.
  16. Profs for your 24?

    Just wondering what the benefits are for having JC on a 24.... a lot of the rings/necks at 225 have level requirements higher than 24 ... :/
  17. 24s on Arthas

    My 24 will be ready soon, keen as!
  18. Twink Advice, lvl 70 Elemental Shaman

    Take a look at my armory for an idea of gear and spec. Gear is not "BiS" BiS, its more suited to my playstyle but its still close to top-tier gear. 4pc Brutal Ele bonus is a MUST along with Fulmination - lightning shield hits 9 charges so fast its not even funny, and you also dont need...
  19. BoA's for Fury warrior

    5% hit cap as per usual to hit other lv20s
  20. Oceanic guilds

    Yes check out <No Remorse> on Frostmourne-US (Oceanic), it has grown a lot over the past month, we're up to 160 members now, with an average of 15+ players on during peak hours with a private guild vent. We organise Sunwell/BT weekly to gear members and also are in the process of organising...