Call to Arms: Aerie Peak Alliance!

all the bads went AP horde to get carried for free wins because eyepatch wasn't enough

True story. I went A Hunter with an Eyepatch just to show them a Crutchpatch IS more than enough!
Honestly, the quality and IQ of Alliance F2P players is in the shitter as of late. I regret just about every time I log in.
I'll roll an AP alliance toon soon just to experience the alliance quests/zones. Might roll Druid or Shaman, undecided so far.

But as long as Horde BG queues are shorter, that's likely the side where I'll be playing more.
I rolled a hpal on KaelThas that ive been dicking around with but I miss having people to talk to. Starting now I plan to play my shaman again, but I completely forgot how to play (focus sheers are hard now :<)

i may regear resto but that sounds so boring idk
One reason I've stopped gearing up on AP for now is because the chat was getting to me. :/ I mean the veterans were really nice and helpful to people having questions, and I had some priest questions answered very competently.
But some players flooded the chat with questions and comments regarding every step of their level 6 to level 10 journey. I had to move ftp chat to a separate window to communicate in dungeons, and then it obviously felt about the same as on my empty servers.

Not saying that you'd want to have me on AP, I'm not that good and, as I learned from this, obviously an antisocial *****.
Aerie Peak is now flooded with people who never talk, I hate to say it but I would no longer suggest you roll on Aerie Peak unless you are a serious player looking to arena with the best in the bracket @ AP Horde.

Not saying that you'd want to have me on AP, I'm not that good and, as I learned from this, obviously an antisocial *****.

I have to disagree with you on that one Yde, ive seen you in multiple bgs and i have to say you are one of the FEW pallies who know what they are doing and i'd definitely take you over some random peeps any day of the week. Oh, and being antisocial really isnt a bad thing Imo i could understand completely why you turned chat off, personally i dont like chat going off in my box unless its nessecary (efc ramp!) ya know, stuff like that
Topic says it all, Ally side on Aerie Peak, for whatever reason is suffering, I'm not here to debate about why, I'm here to call for a helping hand from anyone who actually cares. If gearing a toon is an issue for you, I'm willin to RaF a toon to 20 for you and then tank instances for you on my prot warrior. PM me if you have any questions.

I'll answer zee call. Jackshandy is here to heal you beautiful nubfaces. Chances are I'll log in, ask "who wants to simil-queue or grp up, or run an instance", get no response, try again in 5 minutes, run some Hillsbrad chest checks and then log onto hordeside or a different server. But I'll give it a shot within the next few nights.
Is this bracket super active?

I would wager it is the most active judging from the feedback/traffic here on the forums - but that doesn't necessarily translate to queue pops.

Horde side is near instant pops and near guaranteed fail for PUGs (exaggerating a bit)

Alliance side is 10-20 minutes queues with near guaranteed success for PUGs (also exaggerating a bit).

I wish I had access to their database to really determine the accuracy of these comments.

Rolling on AP gives you the option to premade and allows you to similiqueue if no p2ps are available.

There is also the TI Vent for quicker BG communication.

PUGs are one third trash players with < 850 hp in this bracket with no idea what to do - this is the only bracket where a potential player does not intentially shut off XP and as a result there are some lost souls with targets on their backs.

I should be back next month or so, dragon has me on R ID if you need help with anything, atm got caught up updating my 85's to 390ilvl and finally finishing my 70 and 80 tinks with professions and drakes and master flying on all and ****. but i'll be back.

PS dont worry taco, i'll finish that spore rep for ya buddy, never forgot, just needed a break, that is if you're still around


I should be back next month or so, dragon has me on R ID if you need help with anything, atm got caught up updating my 85's to 390ilvl and finally finishing my 70 and 80 tinks with professions and drakes and master flying on all and ****. but i'll be back.

PS dont worry taco, i'll finish that spore rep for ya buddy, never forgot, just needed a break, that is if you're still around


We thought you died.... o_O

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