Hello guys :)


Hiya guys!

I have been away from WoW for about a month and dont really feel like paying 15 bucks to play my level 19. So I am going to try out the 20 F2P bracket.

What faction needs the most help? (like in 19s, the horde was just OP)

What classes/roles are in need?

I am willing to roll whatever is needed.

Anything else I should know to make the F2P transition easier?

horde needs more help

pick anything besides a rogue hunter or paladin if you want to go against the populus, warlocks are the only class that is very UP
I was looking at my old trial account and i have a level 18 druid I might use. Was thinking about a shaman too.
Go Horde.

For DPS... Arcane Mage is a good bet (we have a LOT of arcane mages aleady though)

For heals... Holy Paladin is godmode. Disc Priest also not a bad choice.
I was looking at my old trial account and i have a level 18 druid I might use. Was thinking about a shaman too.

Druids are fun but a challenge. As long as you're ok with the moments of pure frustration that you will encounter (heads up, they generally involve hunters) and can move past them to enjoy your more balanced games it's a blast.
All these people saying go horde. I would have to disagree with. Horde is in the process of balancing it-self out, around 23:00 PST they stop losing most games all together.

If you come to AP, Alliance is defintely the side that needs the activity.

I would have to agree with Jdor on this one.

Another point to rase is that the Horde have a wide range of classes in every battleground (ie; doesn't have 5+ hunters for a majority of their games anymore. The problem lately is Alliance. In the past 12 hours of on and off play, I've been in 4-5 games that didin't consist of 5-7 Alliance Hunters, 5-7 Alliance Pallies, or 5-7 Alliance Rogues.

Roll alliance, and a diverse class so we can start balancing the bracket completely.
Horde suck much less than they did when F2P first started. Alliance suck much more. Random trash exist on both sides. People without mounts, whites, no gear at all in several slots and no idea what they're doing. Stealthers that spend the entire game doing absolutely nothing.

Hunters are the most populace class on both sides and I reguarly see games with five or more hunters on both sides. Both sides have 24s, multiboxers and premades. I think the days of faction imbalance have ended.

Games also change based on time of day, and not just because of the time of day in your time zone, it's a global game with various regional trends. Weekends, again, not just when it's the weekend where you are, and call to arms weekends all bring in a different group of people.

I say choose something you like and don't worry too much about what is needed. There's actually plenty of everything right now. It's just a question of what you end up being put into a BG with, which is completely random and at times, might seem unbalanced. Overall though, there's a good mix of everything.
horde needs more help

pick anything besides a rogue hunter or paladin if you want to go against the populus, warlocks are the only class that is very UP

Warlocks like Tbagr, Lazer and other locks on AP horde side do rather well when supported. They might be one of the hardest classes to gear as solo though...
Hiya guys!

I have been away from WoW for about a month and dont really feel like paying 15 bucks to play my level 19. So I am going to try out the 20 F2P bracket.

What faction needs the most help? (like in 19s, the horde was just OP)

What classes/roles are in need?

I am willing to roll whatever is needed.

Anything else I should know to make the F2P transition easier?


Horde needs the most help. Horde ques are instant where as Alliance can be from anywhere from 5-30 minutes

As far as role goes, we could definitely use more healers. I try to run with 3-4 Healers(or 2 Healers and 2 Support classes that can offheal) for wsg. Resto Shamans, Priests, and Paladins are all viable healers. If you plan on healing as a druid I'd advise you to go boomkin and be an off healer. DoT spam to proc ur ClearCasting to spam regrowth + rej.

As far as making the transition easier, make a Horde toon on Aerie Peak. You wont be able to easily get ur AGM as it's a popular 19, 20, 24, and 39s server. not to mention 85s are always trying to get their AGMs there too. So it's not very easy to get. But if you go horde and try to pug BGs, you will have a very low win ratio.

But we premade on Aerie Peak with 5+ People on a daily basis 24/7. And before you say anything about "oh u crutch on premading". In a bracket where Everyone wants to be either an HoJ+Exo spamming paladin, Hunter, or Ambush Rogue, and not to mention 24s are pretty common; the only way to actually play competitively as horde is to premade.
Warlocks like Tbagr, Lazer and other locks on AP horde side do rather well when supported. They might be one of the hardest classes to gear as solo though...
anything can do well when it's supported. warlocks only real definitive trait is being to run around in mid and do damage, but hunters can do that more effectively

also alliance queues are typically around 8 minutes, rarely does it dive under 5 (during horde lv 24 premades) or go over 12 (seldom)
anything can do well when it's supported. warlocks only real definitive trait is being to run around in mid and do damage, but hunters can do that more effectively to single targets than a warlock can. Where as Warlocks can do Mass amounts of dmg to multiple people at once through DoTs plus Fear is pretty sick for peeling

if you have 5 hunters you can hit multiple targets just fine. warlocks are prone to getting gibbed easily by hunters/rogues/paladins too

fear is not sick for peeling, it's similar to roots. hoj is sick for peeling.
if you have 5 hunters you can hit multiple targets just fine. warlocks don't do enough damage

fear is not sick for peeling, it's similar to roots. hoj is sick for peeling.

Put 10 hunters and 10 warlocks in a VS fite, and the hunters will win.

But when u have them being support by other classes, warlocks will win. They dont oom, and hunters will never be able to compete in the DMG charts in long-term fights when the other team has just as many heals as you.
If you are going to consider playing on Aerie Peak, you really should consider coming to play alliance. Horde side, Aerie Peak out-numbers Alliance side AT LEAST 2 to 1 at most times of the day if not all day. Alliance side needs the activity, and I understand what Cer is saying where they don't crutch on their premades, but I don't believe that they are helpin horde side much when they run with more than 6-7 players, because they are just playing with themselves and 1-2 pugs. So if you roll horde AP just know that you won't neccessarily be helping the horde cause if all you do is 10 man premades with anywhere from 3-5 healers

Nothing personal, I just dont think it's fair anymore to say horde needs more help than alliance.

Edit: queue times hardly go over 10 minutes, maybe 12-13 when you premade a group of 5
So if you roll horde AP just know that you won't neccessarily be helping the horde cause if all you do is 10 man premades with anywhere from 2-4 healers

Fixed, but yes what Jdoring is saying is true. As far as Aerie Peak goes, Alliance could use the extra numbers. You'll be well-accepted into the community either way
If you are going to consider playing on Aerie Peak, you really should consider coming to play alliance. Horde side, Aerie Peak out-numbers Alliance side AT LEAST 2 to 1 at most times of the day if not all day. Alliance side needs the activity, and I understand what Cer is saying where they don't crutch on their premades, but I don't believe that they are helpin horde side much when they run with more than 6-7 players, because they are just playing with themselves and 1-2 pugs. So if you roll horde AP just know that you won't neccessarily be helping the horde cause if all you do is 10 man premades with anywhere from 3-5 healers

Nothing personal, I just dont think it's fair anymore to say horde needs more help than alliance.

Edit: queue times hardly go over 10 minutes, maybe 12-13 when you premade a group of 5

The true cause is making arena as accessible as possible. By adding yourself to the horde mix, you allow better arena diversity. Alliance can rarely field 1 arena player at a time.
The true cause is making arena as accessible as possible. By adding yourself to the horde mix, you allow better arena diversity. Alliance can rarely field 1 arena player at a time.

A handful of the players that do arenas have alliance characters, and honestly there are quite a few players alliance side interested in arenas, alot of us just all congregate to horse side when there is a larger number of players available to do arenas. Me, laglol, kinetic, onkle, and various others regularly. I'll be fair though and say if you really only want to do arenas then horde AP is probably your best bet, but I'm sure that you aren't here for just arenas!!

Sorry had to edit because I hit post before I was ready to post /:

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