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  1. Perfect wsg rogue

    character planner . -.- - theres a few different place where you can swap out some gear it depends on you. i say agms for stam. you could also do two shadowfangs if you want. just thoughts
  2. paladin or warrior?

    whit5ch is better and why? whitch pos and neg about aboth. btw just played a good match against ragëmorë(17 ally paladin) we had great run ins! he kicked my a**!
  3. Good Hunter Set-up?

    dammit! ok. Ya im debating agility of intellect.
  4. Good Hunter Set-up?

    Night Elf hunter with skinning and herb. Pet ideas? how is it? Head: Lucky Fishing Hat 15 stamina, +8 agility Neck: Sentinel's Medallion 6 agility, 2 stamina Shoulders: Champion Herod's Shoulder 5 agility, 5 stamina, 3 intellect, 10 attack power Back...
  5. Rogues and Hunters

    ok ill hit you up when i get back into the game waiting to get an account cause i some how forgot my password or account name of something stupied...
  6. Rogues and Hunters

    is it still worth making a rogue?
  7. Rogues and Hunters

    what i meant by that was are they still as good as they where before. thanks though...
  8. Rogues and Hunters

    are rogues and hunters still good in WSG and arena?
  9. Best healer, pro/cons of each class?!

    so....shammy interupt and totems(slow and release slow + dps) vs priest bubble, HoT, fear
  10. Best healer, pro/cons of each class?!

    Um...this is for a 2v2 team. Im not sure whitch class is better though. What im wondering is whitch class has good healers, survivablity, mana conservation.
  11. Hunter...more health or more mana?

    ill make it when i get an 80...24 atm ftw! gearlist ill do in a little ya that would be smart
  12. Hunter...more health or more mana?

    With the set up that im trying i have 100 agility and 100 mana and around 200 stamina so i think that will work but ill see...if you guys think thats good let me know.
  13. Dwarf crit bonus with guns?

    nevermind i found out...1%...=(
  14. Dwarf crit bonus with guns?

    So...ya i was wondering what is the crit bonus that a dwarf gets when he is useing a gun?
  15. Hunter...more health or more mana?

    I think im going to go with around 1k mana is that good or atleast more?
  16. Hunter...more health or more mana?

    -TITLE- I dont know what to make a huntard with 2K+ health or like 1.7K mana....or make a dwarf with BoA gear and get a ton of agility and go for 50% crit...idk please help?!
  17. Level 14 Twink - Guide

    Nice!!!! I was thinking on puting something about 14 twinks...i have rolled them for a long time!!
  18. Time to delete warrior! :(

    I spend 150g for the enti whitch i only had 157g to start and it gets nerf'd 2 days later...MOTHER F*****S!!!!! Ya what ever i was useing on my main(24 warrior =( i know) to level then once i was done i was goine to make a level 1 twink and use it on that!...but what ever i dont really just...
  19. Rogue Off-Hand?

    I hate the theifs blade...was to hard for me to get...made me hate rogue twinks...!! so other thing!!
  20. Best FC class

    the warriors arent flag carrier they are regular fighter peoples