Perfect wsg rogue

Rivfader, nice character you got there ;) One thing, instead of having 2 shadow fang's, 1 SF and assasin's blade is much much more better.
No, an AB in the OH is not better. Top 3 OH are SF, BWTB, CB in that order. All should be enchanted with fiery imo but for Pugs you can use LS if you prefer.
In my opinion this is the best wsg twink there is: The World of Warcraft Armory - Trespasser @ Bloodhoof - Profile With this gear setup you are hitcapped against any class/race combi and you the highest amount of expertise you can comfortably get. This expertise helps alot against well playing fc's that won't lets you attack them from behind. As for the dual LS you might want to swith that to dual fiery if your doing premades.

Just don't take that spec, I am experimenting with that.
Twinkchromaggus said:
Rivfader, nice character you got there ;) One thing, instead of having 2 shadow fang's, 1 SF and assasin's blade is much much more better.

AB hasn't been a viable OH since 2.3.

Trespasser said:
In my opinion this is the best wsg twink there is: The World of Warcraft Armory - Trespasser @ Bloodhoof - Profile With this gear setup you are hitcapped against any class/race combi and you the highest amount of expertise you can comfortably get. This expertise helps alot against well playing fc's that won't lets you attack them from behind. As for the dual LS you might want to swith that to dual fiery if your doing premades.

Just don't take that spec, I am experimenting with that.

There's so much wrong with that char, I don't even know where to start.
Rivfader said:
The World of Warcraft Armory - R

Put BWTB with fiery in OH if you have no 2nd SF

That theory is unsupported. It would appear what makes is BiS would be the proc, which is very low (3-5%?). That's pretty unreliable. It may be better statistically, but it doesn't look good for a WSG PuG.
Quelfep said:
That theory is unsupported. It would appear what makes is BiS would be the proc, which is very low (3-5%?). That's pretty unreliable. It may be better statistically, but it doesn't look good for a WSG PuG.

I'll explain something very important to you:

Nobody cares about pugs,
Well if you don't like procs you can always go with CB in the OH, but more often than not it is burst that drops FCs and that it what procs provide. Also, make sure to get TP, utility of a thrown wep>stats.

Edit: I see what tresspasser is trying to do with his spec but that really only works against melée, also I don't know about EU but on ruin if you can't get behind FCs then I would consider working on your game before worrying about gear. Drop the nimble leather for fang gloves, and replace fang belt with satchel IMO
curleypwnsu said:
yea the bow is too slow to be more useful in wsg speed>stats

Who needs a throwing weapon when you got more then a stack of [item=]Magic Candle[/item] which is instant compared to throat piercers 1.8sec cast.

If you really want to daze that hunter or interrupt that bandage magic candles are the best item. If you find it to hard to farm them just to interrupt then Throat piercers are still not the best. [item=]Light Throwing Knife[/item] is the fastest ranged weapon available for a lvl 19 rogue.

Let look at it a bit better.

A heavy runecloth bandage ticks for 225 every 1sec for 8 sec.

With a reaction time of about 0.3sec (which is very fast and most wont be able to do) you are able to stop a bandage before the first tick with the magic candle. It will have ticked twice if you use a throat piercers. And if you are close you are able to interrupt after 1 tick with a Light Throwing knife (I will say close because with a 0.3reaction time and 1.6sec cast you are at 1.9sec so only 0.1sec of flight time before it must hit). With a charmed ancient bone bow it will have ticked 3 times before you will interrupt it.

As for the not getting behind flag carriers. If the flag carriers play good you won't be behind them 100% of the time. But probably somewhere around 50% but even then expertise is still far better then any other stat.
Trespasser;148639If you find it to hard to farm them just to interrupt then Throat piercers are still not the best. [item= said:
Light Throwing Knife[/item] is the fastest ranged weapon available for a lvl 19 rogue.

That's not how Ranged Weapons work.
Thrown weps have an inital cast time of 0.5 seconds, other ranged weps have a 1.5 initial cast time, the speed relates to the CD after the first shot is fired. As for expertise I still feel that it is subjective since Druids (by far the most popular FCs) can't parry that cuts the stats usefulness in half. I'm not saying that nimble leather gloves are bad but they shoul be reserved for situations where you are likely to be facing a class that can parry. Furthermore most Druids (in ruin at least) don't bother to backstrafe, it is very easy to get their back because they now rely on nature's grasp and travel form (or supporting classes such as CC mages) to make their escape. I would suggest keepingthem in your bates if you happen to go up against a pally or warrior FC in a pug, but they have fallen out of favor for premades making nimble leather gloves something that I would not enter a WSG expecting to use.

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