Best healer, pro/cons of each class?!

Um...this is for a 2v2 team. Im not sure whitch class is better though. What im wondering is whitch class has good healers, survivablity, mana conservation.
Depends on the bracket. For 39. I have done pally/priest/druid. Shaman are a rarity, not because they suck tho, but i have little experience so they will not be included, and ive never seen any that are anything above average.

Priest: Best fast heals and emergency heal via shield and renew never sux. They are also the ONLY healer who can remove magic, for cc/fear/dots etc. Pallies do not have magic cleanse at 39, this is huge versus cc classes and warlocks. And mana burn is just evil. You cannot however remove many melee slows and dont have the armor to do too well versus stun lock. You are also forced to spec for the regen while casting in the disc tree or you will just go oom super fast which means you lose out on many of the heal increasing talents in holy. This also means you need alot of stats to do well as a priest, you need spirit and intellect both in good amounts to keep mana up, you of course need +spell power, you also need good stamina since you dont have much armor and just eat the stun locks. My lowest rated of the three healers, dispell alone tho is so killer on top of mana burns to stop other healers makes them still very good. You cant however remove poisons like mind numb, wound, viper sting, crippling, etc nor can you remove curse of tongues. So you can be more easily mana drained or have your heals take forever to cast or have healign debuffs you cant remove put on you or those you are healing, pallies and druids can remove most of if not all of these.

Druid: Great heals, HoT's and jsut about the best survivability due to the fact that you can just shift outta any slows into travel and get away from anyone except ret pallies with justice, no reason to die to anyone really unless you have justice on you. On top of that you get an instant heal with your HT for a good 1500-2200 heal every 3 mins for emergencies. Your regen while casting talent is in your main healing tree so unlike the priest you give up nothing for it. The spec can also do great damage if you can spare 5 pts, a simple spec into the 5 to reduce wrath cast time and your healer is now one of the best dps'ers out there, no joke. You can also use cat form to hide when at a flag to avoid being sapped or jumped first because you are a healer. And when geared and spec'd right for int/spirit, your regen while casting talent will let you heal for a very long time before going oom. Its also one of the most fun healers with so many options and so much involved. And you can remove curses and poisons, helping remove some rogue and hunter poisons and warlock debuffs (slows/mana burners/cast time increasers/damage/wound poison).

Paladin: Pallies are a fairly boring healer, sorry. But they work very well when you dont be an idiot and gear with cloth and leather like many Loladins do. Your strenght is your cheap heals and good armor and 100% pushback resistance. You will rarely cast holy light, keep that in mind. You will be using flash spam 99% of the time. And sadly, you have no other spells other than purify to remove poison or disease. You can remove rogue nastiness and hunter poisons, but again you do not get magic cleanse at 39 so warlocks will eat you alive with ease. Your gear focus will be mainly to keep decent hp in the just under 3k ish area, and decent mana, but you dont need to go overboard as your heals cost very little. Ignore spirit, you almost never get ot use it. Much more than other healers you need +spell power to get your flash of light to do enough to matter. Even things like the +16 weap oil (+30healing equiv) is a necessity as is the seal of light glyph for another 5% healing. Dont forget your +5% crit on flash glyph either. You should be able to get near 450-500 per flash with good gear. While still keeping most everything mail armor. The only gear that you could sub out would be the engineering goggles and some revelosh leather shoulders. I dont even use the revelosh gloves as its just too much armor and intellect loss when combined with the other losses. Your strength is its hard to go oom unless its just a zillion year fight as long as you just spam flash. You dont get pushback so the heals are on time, and your armor is near 3k so you have good mitigation to survive stun locks and focus fire. The only way you can get takin out is with some cast time increaser debuffs or some MS that is accompanied by lots of twink dps on you. With good teamates to take out those on you, you will live long enough even with the debuffs to get those guys takin out before you. What you give up in utility and mobility (and dps, you are the worst dps class and spec by far with holy after the SoR nerf), you make up for with mana that just doesnt run out, and survivability. It is the easiest healer to play too, bar none.

Overall, the druid and pally are the best, each has its ups and downs. Because druid dps is the highest of any class (but you go oom nutty fast), I have redone my druid to balance and use my pally for heals. But both works just fine. The priest could be good, but needs a bit more support due to the lower survivability under focus and her weaker heals due to forced talent pts into disc instead of mainly holy. But her dispell and other utility do help to compensate.
Pretty much the same as everyone else shaman and priest, i've had both and i prefered to heal on my priest
My main twink at 19 is a priest and honestly i couldn't ask for a more fun class to play with plenty of options at staying alive. ie. bubble, renew, and fear. Only other class i would make was a sham... Purge and earth shock :(.. Granted priest have dispel but ES is pretty huge at lower lvls vs a healer.
shamans also can have a quick melee attack mixed in with ES. difficult to heal through evocater's blade on a shaman.
I played a priest it wasnt the best geared but it was pretty ok, also had a shaman but that was pants geared :p

id prolly say these days priests are the easiest to play due to the fear, they are pretty squishy vs rogue but vs anything that doesnt have a direct interupt they are top notch.

shamans have a bit more general CC then priests, with their earthbind totem, a good shaman can keep you from getting to them for quite a while, their survivability is a bit better with the addition of a shield but their heals are slow and easily interupted, my personal prefference is priest because i feel they are more versatile have the ability to swap roles without much effort, shaman on the other hand his a jack of all trades but a master of none.

my 2c
Since you wanted the best healer for arenas specifically it really comes down to your partner, but priest/shaman is always a safe bet since they seem to be successful at everything
Leshugg said:
whats the set backs with palas? they seem to do ok from what ive noticed

paladin healers do not have flash of light at 19. so their heals are slow and not mana efficient. plus, they do not have purge or dispel.
Leshugg said:
whats the set backs with palas? they seem to do ok from what ive noticed

paladin's do not have divine shield at 19 anymore

this is the main reason to avoid playing this class in arenas
Pallys can't even use Lay on Hands in the arena last time I checked!

Fucking bullshit.

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