Good Hunter Set-up?

Night Elf hunter with skinning and herb. Pet ideas? how is it?

Head: Lucky Fishing Hat

15 stamina, +8 agility

Neck: Sentinel's Medallion

6 agility, 2 stamina

Shoulders: Champion Herod's Shoulder

5 agility, 5 stamina, 3 intellect, 10 attack power

Back: Tumultuous Cloak of the Bandit

4 agility, 4 stamina, 8 attack power, +3 Agility

Chest: Tunic of Westfall

5 stamina, 11 agility, +4 All Stats

Shirt: Epic Purple Shirt

Tabard: Tabard of Brilliance

Wrist: Wrangler's Wristbands

3 agility, 3 intellect, +7 intellect

Hands: Scouting Gloves

4 agility, 4 intellect, +15 Agility

Waist: Vigorous Belt of the Bandit

5 stamina, 5 agility, 10 attack power

Legs: Scouting Trousers

5 agility, 5 intellect, +

Feet: Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots

12 stamina, +6 agility and minor speed

Ring: Dread Pirate Ring

4 stamina, 7 crit(2.3%), 4 hit(1.8%)

Ring: Dread Pirate Ring

4 stamina, 7 crit(2.3%), 4 hit(1.8%)

Trinket: Arena Grand Master

12 stamina

Trinket: Inherited Insignia of the Alliance

Two Hand: Dignified Headmaster's Charge

9 stamina, 7 intellect, 6 crit(2%), +25 Agility

Ranged: Charmed Ancient Bone Bow

1 crit(.3%), 1 hit(.4%) 5 attack power,Scope (+2 Damage)
The boots are not 35+ anymore. So i think Footpads of Fang are good. With minor speed

And You want 22 Int on your weapon imo
Stuffo said:
The boots are not 35+ anymore. So i think Footpads of Fang are good. With minor speed

And You want 22 Int on your weapon imo

dammit! ok.

Ya im debating agility of intellect.
hit rating? although to be honest a naked hunter played by a retarded chimpanzee could succeed. Wouldn't bother getting BiS gear or enchants you'll prolly get bored :p
[item]Dread Pirate Ring[/item] the new boa

Jetstrong said:
Ring: Dread Pirate Ring

4 stamina, 7 crit(2.3%), 4 hit(1.8%)

Wrong, this is the stats for 19:

you should use the BoA chest too if your not caring about hit cap, the boots were removed a long time ago as were the librams. Also as you can see in the above screenie the ring is unique equipped so you can only have one.
This guy is just so lost.
Jetstrong said:
dammit! ok.

Ya im debating agility of intellect.

nonono, there's no debate. You go full Intellect and then spec Careful Aim.
Rivfader said:
hit rating? although to be honest a naked hunter played by a retarded chimpanzee could succeed. Wouldn't bother getting BiS gear or enchants you'll prolly get bored :p

This bad obviously doesn't even bother entering an Arena

and get 22int on TCS, 25 agi on BoA staff, 20 spirit on fria


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