Best FC class

Original(spelled wrong i bet but what ever i suck at spelling) thought that warriors where because of high armor, stamina, shield, and defensive stance(-10% damage taken) but druids get bear form which almost evens armor and stamina. But you dont see many mages so polymorph immunity isnt that important. But now i here paladins are good but i dont know why. So please pst what you think the best FC class is.
imo for pugs...


29-druid(with 30% cat form inc)/mage

39-druid/mage/pali (with 15% ms inc)

maybe a pali at 29 with the 15% ms inc.

for premades w/ D, pali/warr/druid in any bracket 19-39. mage is also good at 29/39 premades if you have very little D.

at 19 palis can be pretty good for pugs too. druids definately take the cake though

warriors, at least in pugs, are just not good FCs because they have very little ability to avoid damage. their only CC is hamstring, and sometimes they can use an AoE fear or AoE slow...but otherwise they are meatshields that rely on support. in premades, with healers and CC support, they can be good FCs.
Jetstrong said:
but why a druid...when a warrior has -10% damage taken stance?

it can shift out of snares and it has 25% more health. rejuvenation is a minor bonus, nature's grasp helps, having a 1.5 second 30 yard CC helps, hibernate helps, warriors just have to take the damage most of the time and can only hamstring for CC. it also has good damage migation in bear form, even though warriors have probably the best damage migation if using defensive stance. druids are just overall better FCs most of the time due to their versatility.

note that warriors are good for premades, though. with support warriors make for good FCs if their teammates are good.

also, i'm assuming you're talking about 19.
Druiddroid said:
it can shift out of snares and it has 25% more health. rejuvenation is a minor bonus, nature's grasp helps, having a 1.5 second 30 yard CC helps, hibernate helps, warriors just have to take the damage most of the time and can only hamstring for CC. it also has good damage migation in bear form, even though warriors have probably the best damage migation if using defensive stance. druids are just overall better FCs most of the time due to their versatility.

note that warriors are good for premades, though. with support warriors make for good FCs if their teammates are good.

also, i'm assuming you're talking about 19.

What are you talking abut here?
no question 19 its druid...pally is second twink guilds use a warrior

warriors cant get out of cc (druids can shift out and pally can use hand of freedom)

warrior just have to get cc'ed repeatedly, and take a ton of dmg while a pally can use freedom to escape and also have lay on hands and bubble and the same dmg mitigation (the armor from devo aura almost makes up for def stance on a warrior)

druid can also escape cc, have rejuv to heal on the run, and bear form gives them as good armor as warriors and more way more hp

druid is the fc of choice mainly because they just have more pure hp and the best escape method...when u got a double flag debuff on and ur sitting their having to spam someone...u want it to be the guy with like 3.3k hp (assuming 450 mining)
Tetox said:
no question 19 its druid...pally is second twink guilds use a warrior
warriors are good for premades.

warriors cant get out of cc (druids can shift out and pally can use hand of freedom)
sometimes getting out of CC isn't the point. sometimes you just have to take less damage. warriors take the least amount of damage with defensive stance, and the damage they take can be turned into offense, or at least more offense than a druid.

if you're against a decent guild they will immediately dispel/purge hand of freedom.

warrior just have to get cc'ed repeatedly, and take a ton of dmg while a pally can use freedom to escape and also have lay on hands and bubble and the same dmg mitigation (the armor from devo aura almost makes up for def stance on a warrior)
if you have the pali along side a warrior, it can use LoH on the warrior. bubble/HoF doesn't matter much in premades due to purge/dispel.

druid can also escape cc, have rejuv to heal on the run, and bear form gives them as good armor as warriors and more way more hp
well, it's not way more hp, but it is more hp. they do take more damage than warriors due to defensive stance, however, so in situations where the FC is taking a ton of damage and heals, meaning it has been healed for like 10000 health, a warrior CAN be better because the 10000 damage inflicted is migated more.

btw, in premades, rejuv on the run heals for like 120 or so. and you have to get out of bear to do so. it's not a huge advantage.

druid is the fc of choice mainly because they just have more pure hp and the best escape method...when u got a double flag debuff on and ur sitting their having to spam someone...u want it to be the guy with like 3.3k hp (assuming 450 mining)

For my guild(making) we are going with a druid as main flag carrier and the warriors will take the flag depening how much damage he is taking
Jetstrong said:
For my guild(making) we are going with a druid as main flag carrier and the warriors will take the flag depening how much damage he is taking

umm fyi there shouldnt be warriors...maybe 1 and believe me...if ur druid doesnt suck ballz then he'll be better than a warrior...he might take more dmg but he'll have 1k more hp and the able to get out of slows

heres a nice guide from the guide section detailing what u want in a premade

edit: ok ur quotes of me went away when i quoted i guess ill just post w/o quoting...this is @druiddroid

ok, while warrior can take less dmg, it isnt much less and it really doesnt make up for druid's near immunity to slows

a warrior with a pally as one of the healers is indeed a good fc, but honestly druid is better because their ability to avoid slows isnt dispelable, its worth losing that 10%

as a side note, i only mentioned rejuv cuz alot of druids throw it up when they shift out of a slow....i know a strat alot of my guild's fcs have used is to shift out and rejuv, then use the shift in to cure another slow...this of course only works when u are being slowed from a range (conq shot)
Tetox said:
ok, while warrior can take less dmg, it isnt much less and it really doesnt make up for druid's near immunity to slows
when you're in the flag room and your offense is telling you 'CAP CAP CAP' and they aren't quite getting the return...and your FC is taking thousands of damage and getting healed for thousands of health, that is an example of when a warrior is better. again, i will agree druids are better in most situations, but not all.

a warrior with a pally as one of the healers is indeed a good fc, but honestly druid is better because their ability to avoid slows isnt dispelable, its worth losing that 10%

ok, i was just countering your point about paladins being better than warriors.

as a side note, i only mentioned rejuv cuz alot of druids throw it up when they shift out of a slow....i know a strat alot of my guild's fcs have used is to shift out and rejuv, then use the shift in to cure another slow...this of course only works when u are being slowed from a range (conq shot)

i do this too on my druid, i'm just saying it's not that big of an advantage because of the relatively low amount of healing it does. also, you will not have the armor/health during the period you are shifted out.

just to make sure you know, i'm just talking about premades. this has nothing to do with pugs. not that you implied it being a pug...i'm just saying.
Jetstrong said:
the warriors arent flag carrier they are regular fighter peoples


thought that warriors were [the best] because of high armor, stamina, shield, and defensive stance

dont know why u are now telling us they are regular fighters...

also u said u would have warrior take flag if druid was having trouble....warrior should be on O

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