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  1. 19s Where are you guys at?

    new season, new raids, new content are all funner/more fulfilling than my twink perhaps when we're sitting on rating/bosses are on farm the community will pick up again
  2. [CATA] Best 2's Team!!

    intelligent priest/hunter
  3. another feral question!!

    not true, berserking is considered haste. this is what makes them such attractive shadow priests, warlocks, boomkins - 20% haste on dots is insane! proof in regards to physical dots, bleeds, like rend, rip, rake - those are explicitly...
  4. So how are you feeling about AB?

    i ground out elemental earths in badlands for 3 days the moment i hit 40 it was glorious
  5. 19 Hunter

    started her two weeks ago, don't have an 80 tank on the server so i'm not willing to put effort into the jp grind til i'm 85, but i think despite the lack of BoAs it's pretty solid Ecnad @ Blood Furnace - World of Warcraft
  6. Blackened Defias Armor

    yeah, i picked up the 4 boe pieces on an alt before the shattering - i haven't seen any other pieces drop since
  7. balance update?

    what the fml
  8. diabolical plans

    there's a narrow ramp on your right if you follow the path leading in and stick to the right the entire time
  9. 10haste > 16sp

    for all hot and dot classes, especially at low levels, haste is considerably more valuable than spellpower pit 1 to 1 - intellect against haste though is another story eking out as much haste as possible though seems pretty good for certain classes, resto druids, shadow priests, affliction...
  10. diabolical plans

    Diabolical Plans - Quest - World of Warcraft those exclamation marks on that map you see are in fact where the mobs are that drop it it's a fairly high drop rate so just kill a bunch of demons and loot them til it drops
  11. Disappearing Quest-giving NPCs?!?!

    helpful high five!
  12. Disappearing Quest-giving NPCs?!?!

    he's just saying, however unkind, that the quest is based off of a chain! for instance, Triumphant Return - Quest - World of Warcraft says that the chain starts with AHHHHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH!!! - Quest - World of Warcraft, but it actually starts far far earlier, with some quests from the local...
  13. Removal of spider's silk?

    it wasn't dropping off of any spiders in duskwood either, or the creepers in redridge
  14. weather-beaten

    arena is about competition too, but that doesn't mean that people who got the warglaives back in BC, who have val'anyrs, who get shadowmourne or DBW, who have heroic DFOs weren't overgearing people down to great success over the seasons part of the competition is the acquisition of superior...
  15. Disappearing Quest-giving NPCs?!?!

    i've noticed the phasing in azshara is pretty buggy too - the best you can probably hope for is to ticket it and see if they can resolve it
  16. [VIDEO] 19 Hunter Twink PvP (Patch 4.03a)

    thanks for the feedback!
  17. BIS hunter?

    it's preference based, really - when the patch came out, a lot of people touted BM as being the best, but have since gone survival. i like survival because it's got a big nuke shot, as expensive as it is, and the 15% extra agi and 10% extra stam. you lose an on demand stun, but as long as you...
  18. weather-beaten

    one could argue that was the entire concept behind twinks lol
  19. weather-beaten

    rogues aren't a problem at all now, no - but sticking with the wotlk mentality of spamming damage being the only proper way to succeed is superbly silly. the 19 bracket is severely limited in the tools available to them, only recently helped along by the talent rehaul, so anything that helps...
  20. weather-beaten

    how can slowing down the bracket degrade it? coordinated damage still easily drops almost any target, while the WBFH helped make pubbie games a bit more bearable. sure, you had ridiculous 3k+ flag carriers sometimes, but you also didn't have people dropping in just a hunter's focus bar or an...