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  1. EU: Who is still active?

    He is, no EU level 29 with those names it seems.
  2. EU: Who is still active?

    Mendil! Great job gathering the still active 29s. Ill help you out with getting more peoples to the bracket when Im done with the exam tomorrow. Got 2-3 people on friendslist currently who wanna make a 29 twink, atleast thats what I have been told! Those are all from the DMF server.
  3. I've been Hallowed :P

    Gratz! Though its an easy achievement for P2P ^^
  4. Killed Poseidus! =D

    Everything I do on DMF is for my twink, Northsea. So the gold I get from the mount will be used to buy rare Pets Thats why I posted it
  5. Killed Poseidus! =D

    For the record, DMF is a Role-Play server. Many mount collectors here.
  6. Killed Poseidus! =D

    That must be your server then, gone for over 80k several times as I know of on DMF. Its currently on AH for 150000g.
  7. Killed Poseidus! =D

    Nailed that rare elite 15 minutes ago now, what a great way to earn 100000g! Drop: - - Gotta love rare elite farming <3
  8. Say whaaat?

    My character has been doing a Sex change while I was sleeping, wtf xD
  9. EU: Who is still active?

    I was hacked. Some chinese dude tryed to take my account, but luckly I was online during the time so I managed to get the account locked before it was to late. So now I have to change email and give them a picture of my Passport. Im guessing you will see me online tonight if your there
  10. EU: Who is still active?

    Im here =D
  11. WTS Pathfinder Hat of the Monkey (Perfect) US

    Enduring Cap > 9 Agi/Stam any day.
  12. Clumsy to Clumsy [H] DMF EU new guild

    Recently dinged 85 on my Alliance DK at Darkmoon Faire, Ill help anyone out for AGM. Alliance or Horde
  13. Clumsy to Clumsy [H] DMF EU new guild

    If the account was originally yours, you can always send Blizzard a picture of your Passport to get your account back.
  14. Clumsy to Clumsy [H] DMF EU new guild

    Nice one Deesick. Hopefully this will help recruite some people to the 29s
  15. Tiny Shale Spider

    Best pet ever? =D
  16. Mass resurrection of EU 29s!

    I was dragged in to an durg "investigation" yesterday. Fucking police found 5g weed at my friends house, where I was at the time they came. Im so sorry, FUCKING POLICE SONS OF BITCHES. The day ended up in 1 no-show for the twink community and 3000 kroner (about 500 dollars) poorer and lost...
  17. Mass resurrection of EU 29s!

    We got a few new people, which is good. Hopefully we might get a pop sooner or later today, lets just wait and see. PS, Because of the update on Twinkinfo there will be some strange things going on with the armory link from the sign-up. PS v2, We do have quite a few tentative who...
  18. Mass resurrection of EU 29s!

    To all of you who posts about 24s. This is a thread ment for player who want to play on their 29, not for players who dont. Leave the 20-24 bracket talk please. Other then that, WE NEED MORE PLAYERS. 5 people has signed so far, got another 5 who is tentative atm. Please, if you know...
  19. Mass resurrection of EU 29s!

    "Fight against 20-24 twinks" Call me when its only 24 twinks.
  20. Mass resurrection of EU 29s!

    Oh, of course, hehe. Ill sign you up on your horde for now, since thats what we need most :)