Clumsy to Clumsy [H] DMF EU new guild


Basically, I purchased a Level 25 Guild yesterday as our new home for twinks on Horde side of Darkmoon Faire.

I have already moved all my characters over from the old guild (The Clumsy Bludgeoning) and have moved all the items.

The new guild is called Emerald Moon.....for the moment. I have already asked a GM to change the guild name as the current is as camp as double rainbows but non the less, they wont do it as in the next patch, their putting in a way of changing guild names so we'll have to stick it out for the moment.

The reason for the move is simple - Perks and access to looms. The previous guild was level 1 which offered nothing to the members. This will hopefully make it a nicer experience to level new characters in and more of an incentive for people to move to us knowing their not going to lose the perks as well as being able to move their mains if wanted.

Its a nice step forward for us on horde side of DMF.

Obviously if your reading this and still in the old guild, send a mail to yinxz or message me when online and i'll throw you an invite.

Sounds great^^!!
I'd love to come back John , unfortunately my Account has been hacked and i've got no acces to my email-adres which is linked to my account.

I have been thinking about starting all over but i've put so much effort in Fresku and so much time that i simply cba

Hope you guys get the 29 bracket running again , best bracket ever i've played with alot of awesome players.


I'd love to come back John , unfortunately my Account has been hacked and i've got no acces to my email-adres which is linked to my account.

I have been thinking about starting all over but i've put so much effort in Fresku and so much time that i simply cba

Hope you guys get the 29 bracket running again , best bracket ever i've played with alot of awesome players.



If the account was originally yours, you can always send Blizzard a picture of your Passport to get your account back.
Oh i actually haven't thought about that , and yes the account is originally mine's i did think about giving them the first digits of all the wow-expansions , but i did install wow last night will try to get my account and hope to see you guys soon

Atleast i'm glad that they didn't level up Fresku :X

Atm talking with a GM he might be able to help me out on it , playing on a trial account at the moment

Edit #2: Ok , GM changed my e-mail adress and send me a new password to my freshly new adress which is now linked to my old Bnet. account ciao later in game John :>

I'm pretty sure they are , since John bought the 25 guild to make it more interesting for other 29's/rerollers and more usefull due to the extra's they get.

But i'm not in the guild (yet , if you still want me John) so you'll probz have to wait for John (deesick) to reply.

Since what i said could be totally wrong

Your more than welcome to reroll here if you want. The guild is just generally *open* to anyone really. It would just be nice to see people take advantage of it to be honest.

When i bought it, it was previously a casual levelling/alt guild so there are a whole shit tonnes characters on the roster but only really 5 are ever on. I didnt really see the need to kick anyone so they just go about there own stuff. Understandably they probably dont want to have to get guild rep again if they move.

I mainly make gold at the moment and just fund other people in other brackets. A friend is making a level 24 mage at the moment so helping him out.

So anyway, anyones welcome really. Got the resources to help anyone do pretty much anything they'd want really at any level so fill ya boots.

P.S. Awesome news fresku, been to long. Cant wait to log and give you a thrashing

Your more than welcome to reroll here if you want. The guild is just generally *open* to anyone really. It would just be nice to see people take advantage of it to be honest.

When i bought it, it was previously a casual levelling/alt guild so there are a whole shit tonnes characters on the roster but only really 5 are ever on. I didnt really see the need to kick anyone so they just go about there own stuff. Understandably they probably dont want to have to get guild rep again if they move.

I mainly make gold at the moment and just fund other people in other brackets. A friend is making a level 24 mage at the moment so helping him out.

So anyway, anyones welcome really. Got the resources to help anyone do pretty much anything they'd want really at any level so fill ya boots.

P.S. Awesome news fresku, been to long. Cant wait to log and give you a thrashing


sounds great, if theres 24s in the guild i may xfer a 24 that way i'd have my boa's, is it hard to get agm's there?
It aint that bad tbh but like most servers, its really all about the time of the day. Pick raiding days and you'll near enough have no competition at all. I can help on some times of the day but my god dont expect any elite pvp-ing skills. @85 I'm merely a pawn. lol.

Your more than welcome though, I cant guarantee activity and wont but when we are on, we're all pretty helpfull and jolly

I might give you a shout Dee, bit of an old school twink who lost my way when they did the non-xp crap 1 bg a day if ya lucky was enough for me tbh lvl'ed my 19.29.39,49 twinks but now i miss the fun of low lvl bg's been itching too start again, just made a 19 cowtankadin on Bloodfeather where 19 q's are good tbh 10 mins max from what i've seen, but fancy a 29 again tbh so i might throw ya a mail in game if it looks good i might throw one of my retired 85's over on payday to help out
see you in game mate hopefully!

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