EU: Who is still active?


As you all know we haven't got pops since 5 months. Sadly most of the twinks are inactive or have quit WoW.

But i don't want to give up this bracket just cause most of the players are now playing 20-24.

The question is: how much twinks are still active or can logg their char if there are some bgs planned? Pls write down the names you know.
  • Eratas, Mendil, Eregon (H)/(A)/(A)
  • Deesick (A)
  • Northsea (A)
  • Quattro (A)
  • Carthage (A)/(H)
  • Lathoriel (A)
  • Derth (A)
  • Dalurok (H)
  • Capstauf (A)
  • Thefresku (A)
  • Teslacoil (H)
  • Handbremse (H)/(A)
  • Dargrim (A)

Atm we are lacking of horde^^ ... would be great if some allies create a horde char too so we will be more flexible for queuing
I was hacked.

Some chinese dude tryed to take my account, but luckly I was online during the time so I managed to get the account locked before it was to late.

So now I have to change email and give them a picture of my Passport.

Im guessing you will see me online tonight if your there
My toon Carthage lies dormant waiting for the ressurection of 29s. I'll never level him as long as my account stays active.

Spent far too much time and effort just to level him.
I could log a 29 to fill a spot and support to make this happen up till ~24th. Then im running out of time on my account with semi geared 29s (horde). Not gonna activate the one with geared 29s, wow seems not worth it atm to activate all my accounts again.
oh nothing, all of us nightfall twinks used to called leotseddap ARVALEEN back in 2006/2007.

back when he was too easy to troll

also Derth is active (when my real id gets fixed Atheila or Deesick can whisp me with more details)
also Derth is active (when my real id gets fixed Atheila or Deesick can whisp me with more details)

I'll move to Europe if you guys get

Nice to hear that xD Me and Northsea are trying to get some bgs popping again

. So if you are interested in helping us just /w me ingame or reply to this thread :)

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