EU: Who is still active?

Vianco said:
best druid eu is active aswell

i'm up for reviving the bracket actually, went pretty succesful at 39.

how many do you usually have online?

nice to hear that :) ... if you want you can transfer your char to dmf ^^ would be great if we have some more active players on one realm
Hello im new on this forum but i have 2 29s dat ive been wantin to use since b4 cata came out..add me to the "Revive da 29s list" thank you.

Great job gathering the still active 29s.

Ill help you out with getting more peoples to the bracket when Im done with the exam tomorrow.

Got 2-3 people on friendslist currently who wanna make a 29 twink, atleast thats what I have been told!

Those are all from the DMF server.
I would like to create different forums for US 29ths, and EU 29'THS

Off top: I think US people have more skilled players, but less adequate players! Get the f*ck off from EU threads!!!!
does it work also for wargames? ... would be awsome ^^!!

It does as long as both party leaders are on the same server.

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