Mass resurrection of EU 29s!

My comment was not at all anti-29... Trust me, I was all for conducting twink games, back when patch 3.2 hit, along with Mialo and Carthage..

But since i've seen how active 20-24 is, I just wonder how many more times 29 will attempt a revival? I chucked the towel in ages ago because games were few and far between.

'Talk to me when it's 24 twinks only'.... Well my friend, this can only happen if people bother to make them. Atm, games might be 5 twinks either side (no change from pre 3.2 really) and in the evenings sometimes more. So if you twinked when it was against normal players before, what's the difference now? Get 2 teams of 5 queued up and u have chance of a 10 man twink team.

So yeah, to summarize... this is NOT an anti-29 post, this is an offer for you to join the bandwagon. 24 is active, the players are nice, and there is somewhat of a community already between other twinks, so if you want to twink more than twice a year then come and join us.

edit: Hopefully i will see some familiar faces @24, until then, good luck with the revival
Your actively promoting lowering twinking back down into the filth that was playing with newbies, undergeared and the inexperienced while yourself standing on a pedastal of BiS gear and consumables. Its like taking a shotgun to a puppy.

I wouldnt play in that bracket if you payed me to. Kilda, do you know what I see all the time? Freakin moaning about hunters and rogues rulling your bracket - screenshots of 5-6 hunters at a time in BG's - Countless forums posts about how 24's are ruining the

f2p bracket for those people who worked hard to make level 20's.

Our bracket is established with guidlines, we all have an understanding of whats good and bad for our bracket. We're ALL 29 not a mix match.

I refuse to lower myself to the state of play we saw before the the battlegrounds split into exp on/off. You fill your boots, I'm sure you get a kick out of punting newbies.

I will try and be there, not making promises as I'm supposed to be leading an exped around snowdonia this weekend but if i can, i will be there.


It's funny how all of a sudden, the oldskool twinks can't think of anything worse than queuing against players with bad gear, yet for 4 years would happily queue against players <10 levels lower than them.

"Our bracket is established with guidlines, we all have an understanding of whats good and bad for our bracket. We're ALL 29 not a mix match."

Yep, and that's why your bracket gets next to no activity nowadays. I'm just joining the majority cos i was sick of my 29 twink gathering dust.

I've made threads in the past to try to resurrect 29.. Nothing worked, and nothing will work, other than the odd evening of games here and there. So the opportunity arose for me to join another bracket, which isn't so different from 29, and I like it here. It's fun, and that's the most I expect from a game.

The cookie is fairly tasty
It's funny how all of a sudden, the oldskool twinks can't think of anything worse than queuing against players with bad gear, yet for 4 years would happily queue against players <10 levels lower than them.

Yes, now we have a choice.

It is hilarious how when everything changed and exp was introduced and the brackets died, we all had discussions about how we were the true twinks who didnt just want to punt noobs hence why we were still around and trying to make things happen. We frowned upon everyone who stopped playing when twinks got seperated to our own battleground.

Now, we have a choice between playing against other twinks or basically going into a bracket that ressembles the old noob punting times and look where the majority went to. Look where all the effort was focused. Its pathetic. You know it, I know it.

After 3.2 I used to hold my head high and snub the farmers too. Then I realized; why am I sat in a 2hr queue for WSG?

We get games, you don't. Simple. Anyway, this really is turning into a anti 24 thread now, so i'll leave you to it.

Happy queueing
wouldnt it be better to play your old 29 pvp char again ... this bracket is so cool and now everyone wants to play in an other bracket like 20-24 and 30-34 etc. We wouldn't have need this thread if players like you haven't stopped playing their old twinks (29)... 4 months ago we had regularly games so don't talk about there is no chance to resurrect the bracket.

It's just the problem that the splitting up in more brackets makes players want to play in new brackets which is kinda stupid if there is already an old bracket like 49 and now players start to creat 44 twinks and neither the 49 twinks nore the 44 twinks can play xD

That's why more and more brackets have no players (29,39 and 49)

It's not easy to resurrect it but if we have 1 gaming day per week ... the whole thing is more special than playing your 24 char all the time bc in our bracket there are nearly no halfgeared huntards
To all of you who posts about 24s.

This is a thread ment for player who want to play on their 29, not for players who dont.

Leave the 20-24 bracket talk please.

Other then that, WE NEED MORE PLAYERS.

5 people has signed so far, got another 5 who is tentative atm.

Please, if you know of anyone that owns a 29, talk to them and get them signed.

We need this guys.
Deesick said:
I will try and be there, not making promises as I'm supposed to be leading an exped around snowdonia this weekend but if i can, i will be there.


I did a sponsored hike called "The Big Push" up Mount Snowdon at the beginning of July. Involved teams of 15 pushing a wheelchair user up to the summit and back down again. We did it in 3 hours 14 mins. It is such a beautiful part of the country, I hope you enjoy!
Sounds like a lot of laughs. I'm in training at the moment for climbing Mt Kilimanjaro in march next year - doing it for Help for heroes to raise some money.

Doing the Tryfan to Snowdon - via Crib Goch scramble/walk over the weekend though. Part night hike then day walk so lots of micro nav, should be good.

Did you raise much money?

Achmed said:
No man, i disagree. Since the XP lock thingy, things were clear that most of the 29,39, 49 twinks of EU were into twinking only wtfpwn noobs. When the XP lock came, all these guys gave up on twinking. The rest of us had no choice but try to gather up ppl and make things work. The sad thing is that we are not enough so, some of us got bored of waiting, of trying .. of only 2-3 games / week. Plus the schedules were not ok for some of us and stuff like that. At least that's my PoV about the 29's. And that's why we need to adapt, and i've adapted. Hope at some point you all will adapt too.

Ok, sorry for my interference here. You all are too stubborn but in some way i understand you. I feel sorry too for my 29's that are dusty atm but life goes on and we all must adapt, afterall we play to have fun and we chose our own way to have fun.


You couldnt be further from the truth, maybe in EU that was the case... But in the US not even close.
Aye, collectively, the event raised just over £50k for the Back up Trust, a charity for spinal injuries. And what an awesome cause Help for Heroes is! I was at the Armed Forces Day last month and got myself HfH hoodie lol. Snowdon is a pussy cat compared Kilimanjaro! Beest of luck with that!

Thats me with mounted camera on my head!

Edited said:
To all of you who posts about 24s.

This is a thread ment for player who want to play on their 29, not for players who dont.

Leave the 20-24 bracket talk please.

Other then that, WE NEED MORE PLAYERS.

5 people has signed so far, got another 5 who is tentative atm.

Please, if you know of anyone that owns a 29, talk to them and get them signed.

We need this guys.

I would get another Cata Trial if I could, just like last spring (I understand the queues aren't bugged anymore), but for some reason they haven't been available to me since.

I DO wish you all the best of luck, though.

(while I certainly have my own opinion about playing or not at the same level as those that make a bracket possible in the first place, I'll leave it to another Thread)
I wish you guys the best of luck at reviving your bracket. If I can offer one piece of advice:

don't let there be any drama....
Even if there is no bg pop i won't leave this bracket. I love it too much ;D ... just sad that we can't play together with the US /: ,

a xp-off realm pool where we can play together would be great but bc of different probs like other patchdays and time shift this won't happen
We got a few new people, which is good.

Hopefully we might get a pop sooner or later today, lets just wait and see.

PS, Because of the update on Twinkinfo there will be some strange things going on with the armory link from the sign-up.

PS v2, We do have quite a few tentative who most likely will join for tonights battles, so even though we only have 6 people currently we might end up with alot more when the battle starts.

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