Search results

  1. Leveling Out

    Ewwwwewewewwww, that ui is GROSSSSS!!...
  2. New guild for flatchesties and serious twinkinfo matters

    I guess fruits don't even read this shit anymore.
  3. New guild for flatchesties and serious twinkinfo matters

    ​<IBLOWMYLOADONU> is now recruiting And what the fuck is up with the white shit on postings? I have to highlight just to read that shit.
  4. How to get head+back BOA

    Is taylor lautner on roids? GO!
  5. Would This Be Fair?

    Upgrade, get items, downgrade.
  6. Coolest 70 armorys

  7. Coolest 70 armorys

    *I put on my robe and wizard hat* Do you want it inside or out?
  8. Shaman

    Last time I played (patch 4.1) it was horrible how badly the enhance shaman is at 70, but I still raped everyone's aholes as I recall even with disadvantage.
  9. I'm done

    Pshh.. better than the last xpack..
  10. Tazik Shocker in arena

    It's not really twinking anymore if everyone is the same lvl and same gear.
  11. you read it here first: next biggest thing is...

    Requirements are for mustachepubes and bluewaffles, not all of us have them. I'm glad you know your requirements on the internet. *Puts on sunglasses inside, plays guile theme music and chews gum* but I'm all outta gum!
  12. Let's decide on a official (PvP) battlegroup for 70's?

    I fell asleep from the boringness.
  13. you read it here first: next biggest thing is...

    Time to quit wow again!
  14. you read it here first: next biggest thing is...

    Did you say... cata tinkers? CATA TINKERS!? CATA TINKERRRRRRSZZZZZ!!!!!! CATAAAA TINKKERRRRRRRRRRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!11
  15. Any 70s on the PTR?

    Damn pissin in mah cornflakes!
  16. New vid

    My dick hurts!
  17. BiS shaman

    Pftt, horde suck so badly right now! I usually get quadruple teamed out of nowhere by alliance, like they all have Predator camouflage or fly off the ceiling while I'm fighting somebody. Wouldn't recommend xfering to Illidan yet though, I haven't really gotten back into the groove yet + we only...
  18. BiS shaman

    See me in bgs yet? I played a couple days ago in 2, there was an AV which I would have had highest but (excuses) allies were in a huge group and raped us pretty much so i got 3rd best on horde for kbs and i think top for damage, not bad for coming back after 3month break. Also I found out the...
  19. State of the 70 Twink Union
